
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who Do I Think I Am? WOW! Part 40

Yesterday this WHO DO I THINK I AM? Series featured Gustavis Pierce Tyson and his wife Julian Fawn were were drowned the same day during a flash flood on an Indian reservation.

Gus I one sibling, a brother named Marvin Stanley Tyson (1872-1970). Here is his story:

Marvin and T traveled by boxcar from Lee's Summit to Saint Louis on the Missouri Pacific RR, and after crossing the Mississippi River to Cairo, Il. They continued on the Cottonbelt Line south to a point across from Morehouse, Mo. Crossing the river by ferry a second time, they reached Morehouse in four days. They took with them eight mules, a cow, a wagon, and all the family household goods. Mary Emily, Dallas, Ione, and her husband Enoch and Ina started the trip in a 1916 Dodge touring car. Because of car trouble, they finished by train.

Marvin purchased a 200 acre farm - overflow land - in New Madrid County, one and half mile south of Morehouse. Dallas and his wife lived in a small house on the farm, and the rest lived in the main house - six room two story frame house. Main crops were wheat and corn, and several good years had, partically because of Gov't subsidies in conjunction of WW I. A 70 acre track was sold and 160 acres adjacent acres were rented - Ione and Enoch moved to the adjacent farm. Prices fell in 1921 and a series of bad years followed. In 1924, Ione and Enoch moved back to Jackson County. In the fall of 1927, the house and all the contents, save a small oak commode, were lost by fire. The family rebuilt. In 1930, Marvin sold out and retruned to Kansas City where he operated a poultry business for four months before moving back to Jackson County, and joining with Benjamin Fisher in partnership on a 160 dairy farm. Ina and Claude Hellum joined the Tyson's there.
Marvin retired from farming in 1936 and moved to Lee's Summit. He worked part-time as a carpenter and later full time for the Rice Sausage Company. Owner Harold Rice was the son-in-law of Ione and Enoch ANDERSON. He retired again at the age of 80.

They lived for 26 years in a house on North Douglas adjacent to that of the Hellums and because of advancing age, later moved in with the Hellums. In September 1966, Mary fell and fractured her hip, and although it was successfully pinned, she never recovered its use. Marvin continued to live with the Hellums for several months after Mary's death in 1969. Because of extreme age, his inability to care for himself, and a decline in his general health, he was moved to a nursing home. He died five weeks laer. He and Mary were married 77 years.

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