
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Waiting Room Blues

Yesterday We went to an out patient surgery (not Kennestone) to have a procedure done.

In the waiting waiting was an elderly lady wearing a coat and pajamas. I thought that was interesting…. Why would she wear pajamas? It reminds me of one of my reoccurring dreams I keep having.

Another elderly lady waiting had a cell phone that blasted out a very loud country music song every time she got a call and she got 3 or 4.

A couple that looked in their early 30s came from the back rooms. Interesting, they both had patient identification wrist bands on. The lady was crying. Something hit her emotionally. They sat down and the man tried to soothe her . Later I overheard them talk to each other. They were speaking in a foreign language that I couldn’t identify.

A man, probably my age or a year or two younger, was busy reading a book that the title said Outline of something, I couldn’t make out. He was taking to his wife also and had something negative to say about everything. He fussed at the registration forms he had to fill out, saying it was ridicules. They flew first class on a trip someplace not long ago and he fussed about the accommodations of the airlines and his wife said it wouldn’t do for him to fly at a cheaper rate. He agreed, saying he would be very mad, much madder than he was in first class.

Then he pointed out something in the outline book to his wife. They were talking about religions happenings in the old day. That was what the book about – it was a book that outlined the Bible. I suspect he was either a deacon on a preacher. Whichever, he was a negative handful.

Now that preacher can fuss and complain I think I will too. The last time I was in this waiting room there was free coffee. Now they have new furniture. There are several little signs in the waiting room saying “Food and Drink Are Not Allowed”. I thought drinking coffee in medical procedure waiting rooms was a God given right.

Later in the recovery room I saw the old lady in the pajamas talking to her husband. She said, “It is common sense to wear pajamas when you come a place like this to be operated on.” Her husband agreed. “It is just good sense to wear pajamas” She said again. The husband nodded his head in agreement. Apparently, she just realized she was the only patient there wearing pajamas. I know how she must feel from the reoccurring dreams I had – except I discover I am the only one in public in underwear.

1 comment:

  1. It does make sense if you are just going back home to bed anyway.

    I have never seen coffee offered in a waiting room - so you were lucky then.


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