
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Shopping Spree

Last week we went to a big department store to buy some wedding presents from their registry. After making our selections, we carried our merchandise to the cash register. The young hyper lady behind the counter told us if we use our credit card for that department store, we would get a special discount offer.

Anna said she could do that, so she dug into her wallet and pulled out that department store’s credit card. The sales clerk began the transaction only to find we hadn’t used our credit card there in over a year, thus causing the account to close. The young sales lady said that was even better! We could set up a new account and get even a bigger discount on our purchases plus anything else we bought that day. It was an offer hard to refuse. She recreated a new account and gave us an umbrella for doing so!

Anna asked me was if there was anything I needed. I said, “Want or need?” On their display was a stack of Vivitar 210HD video/still cameras. The sign said it was marked down to $69.99. I don’t need a camera since we have three cameras that work great. I found that my small palm size Flip Camera goes unnoticed, just like its owner. I have taken the best pictures of people not concerned about a camera glaring them in their face that I couldn’t do with any other type of camera. There are no adjustments or hardly anything else to do – truly a point and shoot. The same button starts it that stops it. It is a gift that I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of and intend to get a whole lot more.

However, I am a gadget man. The Vivitar camera with zoom lens and handle was calling to me. I think we can use both movie cameras – to back the other one up and a bunch of other reasons.

The young cashier rung them up and said the camera was $99.99 marked down from $169.99. I said the sign said $69.99. She flipped over to the display and studied it a second or two and flipped back to say she could understand how I mistook the sign. They would honor the price I perceived it to be, which was $69.99 plus the new card one day discount, which knocked the camera down in the $40.s. Not bad.

She had already rung it up with the price as $99.99 (with discounts to follow), so she had to call a manager to come and approve her action. The manager came over and didn’t even look at the transaction, then told us of a super buy they had on flip flops. They were just flying out the door!! We left the merchandise with her so she could wrap the wedding presents while we wandered thru the store looking for stuff to buy at the super one-time discount. Anna bought some clothing and a purse - what woman doesn’t need another purse?

When we returned, only one present was wrapped. It seems as soon as we left a hateful woman showed up to misuse our perky little sales lady as her personal shopping girl, asking at one time, “Do you speak English?” She spent her time trying to please the old biddy, later telling us she enjoyed hateful customers since she really felt sorry for them. There is no reason to think she couldn’t speak English. The young lady is a college student that spoke Southern just as well as me!!

She happily finished wrapping the presents long after her lunch break. We filled out a comment card to show our appreciation for all the help she gave us. What a joy to meet such a pleasurable youth!

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