
Monday, March 07, 2011

"Mr Watson, Get Your Ass In Here!"

On this date, March the 7th, in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone. The fury of communications and improvements that was released that day hasn’t ended yet and probably never will.

With Alexander Graham Bell as the base of it all, Bell Telephone Company started which quickly became too big of a monopoly and was broken up in smaller Bell Companies such as Southern Bell, Rocky Mountain Bell, and so on. Eventually AT&T swooped down and claimed it all.

Coincidentally, on this date, in 1933, the board game of “Monopoly” was invented and was and is marketed by Parker Brothers.

Also on this date in 1908, Cincinnati Mayor Mark Breith stood before city council and announced that, "women are not physically fit to operate automobiles". I love it when a politician put his* foot in his* mouth.

*or her.

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