
Friday, March 18, 2011

Downtown Mairetta on St. Paddy's Day

On Saint Patrick’s Day we went to the Marietta Museum of History for a brown bag event where their CEO, Mr. Dan Cox, gave a lecture.

We parked on the Square and walked down the cobblestone alley by Hemingway’s grill. I could smell corn beef steaming. A van in front of us stopped and the man inside said something to the effect why do we keep bumping into each other. He was smiling when he said that. It was one of Anna’s near-kin. We just saw him the day before at the grocery store. He had his daughter-in-law with him ready to aim her camera for commissioned pictures of Marietta. She had just shot a picture of the old Depot, now the Marietta Visitors Center, and the Kennesaw House, which has Civil War history. We made some suggestions for other photos, which they may or may not have used. It is hard to know when someone is just being nice, or you are actually giving them inspirational ideas.

The Marietta Museum Brown Bag speech by Dan Cox was informative in a very personal way. The slide show and interesting stories about the history of Marietta were presented in his own down-home way that let you know he cared about “who’s ya Mama”. His presentation brought out the rumor that there are tunnels under the Square, giving examples of who had seen them and why they thought they were there. He stated there is a possibility that Sherman’s men did not burn all the county records as believed. There is a possibility the records are in the tunnels.

Dan Cox had praise for two dead people: General Luscious Clay, who brought the military airstrip to Marietta, which changed Marietta from a little cotton farm town to an aircraft building center. Marietta Mayor Joe Mac Wilson, who was instrumental in creating the Marietta History Museum among his many accomplishments. Truth be known, if it wasn’t for Dan Cox there would be no Marietta History Museum at all! Thank you, Dan!

The Marietta Museum of Aviation History is presently being created as an extension of the Marietta Museum of History. There is a lot of money, time and negotiations ongoing to arrange the aircraft that may be on loan by the Department of Defense rather than to destroy them. They are loaned in lieu of being given to the museum. Many of the aircraft must be partially disassembled to move them even if it is only one mile away from Dobbins ARB, which all is very expensive and detailed. Since the Aviation Museum is located next to the Lockheed Plant, there were questions about trying to save the old closed Officer’s Club up on the hill above the museum. Many comments were made concerning the club being haunted, as well as the Kennesaw House. Several Ghost Hunters have filmed from there.

After Dan gave his talk he allowed questions. A lady who arrived late asked what his position was. She added that he sure knew a lot about the history of Marietta. Dan said he was the “go-for”, he empties the garbage cans and cleans the restrooms if needed. He was having a little fun at her expense as I’m sure most everyone else knew he is the founder and CEO of the Marietta Museum of History. Then he told her the truth.

The lecture was well attended with standing room only. I recognized my high school science teacher, Mrs. Howell. Mayor Thunder Tumlin was there. I overheard him introduce himself to someone as “Steve Tumlin”, which is typical of his humble persona. Not all public officials can be so described.

After we left there we walked to Johnny McCracken’s Irish Pub to celebrate St. Patty’s day with corn-beef sandwiches, being the traditionalists we are. I thought I might try a Guinness Ale too. Nope! The waitress said the fare today was an Irish buffet. That was just too heavy of a meal for us that time of day. We walked next door to Tommy’s Sandwich Shop and found the corn-beef sandwich we were looking for. Yummmmm. I remember when this storefront was Groover’s Hardware.

We walked across the park where a young couple approached us. They wanted to know if they could ask us some questions about the history of Cobb County and tape our response. The camera lady had a Flip Camera too! The park was all in bloom with flowers brightly colored and pansies looking like they had faces, tulips were standing up proud. Why haven’t my tulips started blooming yet?


  1. Chances are they don't get enough sun during the day, Eddie.

    I envy your trips to museums with Anna. Mr. kenju won't/can't do that kind of thing with me any more.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Enjoyed the story! Is Dan Cox the brother of the late Cary Cox?

  3. Morning Kenju.... we spoke at the same time :)

    That anon was me (I forgot the G)

  4. Skip Hudson5:17 AM

    I'm glad Dan Cox mentioned the tunnels. I don't think it is a rumor. Although, there may be only one tunnel.
    I brought up the subject to you in an email a couple of years ago. There was an article in the MDJ about a new shop on Church Street that found a blocked entrance to a tunnel in the basement. It was stated that it once lead to the courthouse. I did not see a followup article on that, and never got around to visiting the shop to ask further about it.
    I'm curious if anyone else has read or heard about this.

  5. Skip, I don't remember the tunnel you read about but I did read an article about a tunnel they found while cleaning out the basement of a little tea room (at the time) which was in the back of the Fletcher Jewery business. Also, I know of a tunnel on Kennesaw Avenue between two houses.

  6. Skip Hudson5:30 AM

    I just found an article this morning about another tunnel.

    << Connie Mack Jr >> wrote on Saturday, Jan 30 at 03:20 PM
    Believe it or not! Marietta is loaded with former Gold Mines from the 18th and 19 th century. In fact, you will find an old mine shaft [ now a filled in Tunnel] running from the west side of the Park Square across the tracks under the Welcome Center. During the Civil War, it was a escape tunnel from Sherman's plundering Yankees and some OM's have said it contained the stash Silverware of the local Rich Mariette residences of that time .........At one time, you could see the start of the Tunnel under the present building in the basements

  7. Skip, Thar's Gold (& silver) in them thar tunnels! There might be a complicated labyrinth of tunnels down below the surface of downtown Marietta. The city could open them up and little corners and cubby holes to merchants who could sale antiques and have bars that specialize in ragtime music and it will be called UNDGROUND MARIETTA - That would be orginal wouldn't it?

  8. I'll ask again:
    Is Dan Cox the brother of the late Cary Cox?

  9. G, I'm sorry, I meant to answer that and then forgot. I guess the reason I forgot was that it isn't much of an answer: I have no idea - Dan's parents owned Cox Printing on Atlanta Street which I think he eventually wound up with. Did Cary Cox have ties to Cox Printing?

  10. Thanks for taking a stab at it. I never knew their family business. All I know is that Dan was a little older than Cary at MHS, and that Cary died very young. I'm thinking it must be the same "dan cox".

  11. G, I think you are right. I looked up a Danny Cox in the 1956 yearbook and there he was as a sophomore, same cheekbone but now he wears suspenders.

  12. That damn Goldstein should be forced to fill that hole with water and swim in it. What a shame Dr. Cuthbert's building was torn down.

  13. Davismac,
    Hey! I am a Mashburn descendant too!


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