
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday Gallivanting

Yesterday we had lunch again at J. Gumbo’s.

I think I would like to try every spicy entree on their menu. That sounds like a big undertaking but their menu is not all that big. Not like the time I decided I wanted to try all 28 flavors at Baskin Robbins…. They kept adding flavors and taking away flavors. It got too complicated.

Only two or three more items and I will get my certificate of trying almost everything there. The certificate exists only in my mind.

Above is a picture of our lunch bowls yesterday. I had the red beans and rice on the left and Anna had the bourbon chicken on the right. The main reason for the picture is that I was trying out the FOOD selection on our new camera. It looked nice in the electronic view, but blown up I see it is a bit out of focus.

We went grocery shopping. I ran into an old preteen friend that I haven't talked to since about 1954, Mickey Griffin. He looked the same as when we were kids when he walked around with me on my paper route, except he now has gray hair, which includes a gray mustache. Mickey seemed glad that I spoke to him. I confessed to him about 20 years ago I stood right beside him before Dr. Syd Williams shot the gun that started a 5K race from downtown Marietta to the Life Chiropractor College, and I didn’t say anything. What could I say? I’m invisible!

After grocery buying we stopped by to pick up our mail at our PO Box at the post office. I ran into a family friend that had a lot to tell me about her sister-in-law, who lives in our same neighborhood.

She got into the line for postal counter service. She motioned for me to get in line also as she told me all she wanted to get off her chest. One of the things she told was funny and I let out a small laugh, so did the lady in line behind me. Then, I begin to glance at the lady from time to time and each time she was leaning forward to hear it all.

People love real dramas.

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