
Friday, January 28, 2011

Pigging Out at the Marietta History Museum

Above – we almost called 911 to report a man disrobing to expose himself; then we saw it was only Superman changing in a telephone booth. I didn’t know he changed heads too. This phonebooth is on the ground floor as you come into the Kennesaw House. These pictures are taken inside the Marietta Museum of History.

Click on any picture to make them bigger.

Last evening (Thursday) the Marietta Museum of History had a preview party for their newst exhibit, "Y'all Come Eat." They had a good sampling of southern finger food with either coffee or blackberry tea.

We bought a new camera not long ago, and I am still learning to use it. Since the museum was in an “open house” mode, I took advantage of the situation and clicked away.

Normally I have a mind-set that taking photographs in a museum is a no-no. If one took pictures and many people see the pictures, it weakens the demand of people wanting to see things for themselves. So, normally, I sneak my pictures without a flash.

The food was delicious, and as usual, the history artifacts were expertly displayed.
The people that work at the museum that I know, such as Christa, Amy, and Dan were there with other staff members I also recognized but have not retained their names. I’m terrible remembering names. Some had nametags that I have not seen before. I could see they knew what they were doing but suppose they normally work out of the public view.

Mary is a friend that we usually have the pleasure of running into at these museum events. She is an ex-Marine with a Phd that is probably paid to keep an eye on us. My illusions of grandure are never ending.

There was a big turnout of museum members..... Did I hear someone mention food?

Remember Hunt's Ice Cream? Only two counters in Marietta dished up Hunt's Ice Cream that I know of. Both were owned by the Hunt family: The Economy on Church Street and Hunt's Ice Cream on West Atlanta Street. The Hunt family lived on Butler Street, which is now an extension of Atlanta Street. The house where they lived was previously owneed by Mary Phagan’s Grandfather. Also my mother-in-law lived there for a short time as a child. The house is gone, like so many other landmarks.

The lady on the left is Johnnie Gabriel, propritor of Gabriel's Desserts and author in her own right of several cookbooks. Johnnie is a pleasant icon for prepared food in Marietta. We have picked up cakes and stuff we ordered from her old place before she moved into a larger store, and she always seemed very relaxed with a pleasant smile. Johnnie is also Paula Dean’s cousin. They are both from Albany, Georgia. The museum now has a video of Johnnie Gabriel talking about cooking. I overheard Johnnie tell someone that she just sent it to them earlier that day.

This picture is of Judge Manning. The gavel and other judicial items are probablt from his office. I have had jury duty several times but never had him. Once I remember being on Jury Duty with Judge Luther Hames presiding. He nodded asleep and jerked himself awake in a skilled sort of way.

This room is believed to be the same room James Andrews of Andrews’ Raiders stayed in before he and his 23 men overtook THE GENERAL in Kennesaw in front of the Lacy Hotel. Look! There James is now, looking out the window at THE GENERAL!

Back to those 23 Raiders: They were probably young in their late teens or early 20s,
still young at heart and mind, not yet grown into the serious phase of their lives. I cannot help but picture all 23 men raceing down the stairs to THE GENERAL saying, “The last one there is a rotten egg!”

This is General Lucas D. Clay whose family home was on Atlanta Street. A bush in their front yard was where my friend Tony preferred to relieve himself on our walk home from school. General Clay is given credit for changing Cobb County from a one-horse rural town to what it is today. He used his position and influence to get the airstrip that eventually became Dobbins Air Force Base and the Bell Bomber plant, which eventually became Lockheed, put in Cobb County. Of course those two progressive steps caused a domino effect which in the long run made us natives a minority. Wait! Tell me again what was so great about General Clay....

Well, at least we got some very good restaurants out of it all.

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