
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Photo Opportunities

Sunday was a beautiful day. It was one of those days that beckon you to get out and enjoy the weather. We put a leash on Willow and drove away.

We went to downtown Marietta. I know, I know! We have been to downtown Marietta a bunch of times lately which several of my videos reflected. We gave Kennesaw Mountain and Cheatham Hill consideration.

After all the pros and cons weighed against each other Glover Park won, and it wasn’t even in the running.

As far as watching people, you can’t beat downtown Marietta. When I was nine or ten years old in about 1950 we, my parents and sister, used to sit in the car on Sunday afternoons outside Reynolds and Ferrell Drug Store and watch people walk by. Sixty years later and I am still going downtown to look at people. Old habits are hard to kick.

We chose a bench While we were sitting two small kids, a boy and a girl, came up and wanting to pet Willow. The girl was apprehensive. She reached at a distant and almost touch Willow and jump back. The boy just reached out and petted her. They said they were twins. I believe them, they looked somewhat alike, although the girl was almost a head taller than her sibling.

We asked them where their parents were and they said their mother worked in a restaurant on the Square. That could be a costly mistake, letting your children run loose in a big park. There are bad people lurking around looking for such an opportunity.

A mother, father with a camera, and a formally dressed teenage girl walked up. The girl got in the gazebo to pose and the mother and father stayed outside to get a good picture. The little 6 year old female twin slowly approached the formally dressed teenage girl and reach out and touched her and jumped away.

Why did she do that? Why did she do almost the same thing to Willow?

Either way, I thought I missed a photo opportunity. I got my camera out.

With the camera I took a bunch of pictures. (here they are on this post, look and see!)

After I put away my camera I heard someone call my name. I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw only an old man with a long white beard. Not recognizing him, I looked behind me to see if someone else was near me that the old geezer was trying to call to. He called my name again and this time when I looked I focused. It was my cousin David.

I haven’t seen David in a few years. By the way, I would hardly call David an old geezer, he is about ten years younger than me. I remember now, his neighbor Terry told me about David’s beard, he is growing it for Christmas to play you-know-who.

Some of his friends had their Marietta High School daughter there for a photo session. There were plenty of Kennesaw Mountain High School students there too.

As we walked away I thought it was to see David again and it hit me:

Darn! I forgot to take a picture of David with his beard. Another photo opportunity fell by the wayside.

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