
Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Poor Man

At the last concert of the downtown Marietta Glover Park series last night I met another cousin that is a Marietta resident and apparently always has been. He and his wife live just a couple doors down from my first cousin David Hunter. His name is Terry Poor.

We grew up in a small town that became a big town. It is surpisingly we have not cross paths. Well, we could have a couple of years ago, but due to my scattered brain way of doing things we didn't. He called our number and left a message. I didn't return his call. Well, my defense is that I don't remember doing that. But on the other hand, I don't remember what I had for breakfast this morning either.

I bet people find plenty of puns to use with his name, so he is probably sick of it. He appears to be a very charming likable guy, but how many Poor puns can he take? Deep within his mind the dark side of him is probably saying, " Someday I'll show'em!"

But Terry does read, which proves he is a very good person.

We share William A. Trammell/Hunter and his wife Emaline Ray as progenitors. There genes are our genes. Terry is decended from William's only daugher Arminta. Do you know why her name was Arminta? A lady in a little community of Andersonville, just about a mile north of Woodstock, cared for William after he was shot in the Civil War.

1 comment:

  1. Johnny7:07 AM

    Good to see cousin Terry on Chicken Fat. I probably see him in November at Tickanetley.


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