
Monday, September 27, 2010

Last Friday Night Continued -

Flashback: Back at Glover Park.

Back to the concert Friday night: Where was I?

We got to sit at a reserved front row table with Rupert who commandeered the table. Rupert is a unique individual that just about everybody that comes to downtown Marietta knows Rupert by name and he knows their names - and their spouses and children. He seems to always have something going on. He is also generous with his time, cooking for organizations dinners, etc.

Politicians like to talk to him. I think they know that having been seen talking to Rupert is a good thing.

One of the people dropping by to talk to Rupert was Terry Poor. Then his lovely wife Cynthia dropped by. Rupert invited them to sit with us.

I believe we all are no more than 3 or 4 deep from each other, so it is just a matter of asking the right questions to find out just how you are connected to the stranger you are talking to. I think I probably asked the right questions – or no, they already knew we were related because they are friends with my first cousins Johnny and David Hunter. In this case, no right questions were needed. We share the same Hunter and Ray genes. We are both decedents of William A. Hunter, aka William A. Trammell, and his wife Emaline Ray.

I think Terry and I had a good conversation about our family members.

The band GLOW was very good. They were very lively. The second scene of this video shows Terry dancing with his granddaughter and the third scene is the band playing. A small Flip camera that I use does not do justice to the band. They were good. I was fascinated by one of the band players, a tall guy playing a guitar – or pantomiming playing a guitar, I’m not sure which, who was very lively running back and forth across the stage making insane faces. They put on quiet a show.

Click on their name in the above paragraph and visit their website.

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