
Saturday, September 04, 2010

Art Walk Is Not a Cake Walk

Note- The second clip the camera lens look at Willow Antiques. Willow Antiques is where my uncle Herbert Hunter had Hunter's Barber Shop for years.

Yesterday was the Art Walk in downtown Marietta.

The event is held the first Friday of the warm months. This is the first one we have been to and we enjoyed it. It is held by various merchants, not all. There were 30 places on a little map you could visit and see artists and their original art, which of course, had price tags. The stores that displayed the art also had merchandise to sell. We bought some stuff from one of the merchants, so I hope she got back part of her investment.

By investment I mean most stores had treats, such as dip and chips. Some had live musicians. I think we came across three, maybe four, small trios playing jazz-like music.

We arrived early, of course. And we did quiet a bit of walking, luckily there are places to sit down and rest from time to time.

We went to the Marietta Art Museum. The Marietta Art Museum was the Post Office in my formative years and I still think of it as that. But contrary to my mind, since the Post Office moved it has been the Marietta Library and for year it has been the Museum. I was impressed with the museum. It had Atlanta museum quality pieces of art.

In the lobby of the museum was Linda Flournoy, painting another masterpiece, right before your very eyes. The lobby room had maybe a dozen of her paintings which I think looked good. Standing near her talking to her while she painted was a man who was signing his book, a book about revenge – or maybe how to control your revenge. But how could one paint while someone is yakking at them. How can one be inspired with constant yakking directing your way? Beats me. She seemed not to be bothered, maybe she read his book.

Linda Flournoy is the widow of an ex-Mayor of Marietta, Robert E. Flournoy Jr.(1982-1985). Robert was also a lawyer and later in life a judge.

Every time I think of Bob Flournoy I remember one time at a Concert at Glover Park all the living previous mayors were asked to come for a special presentation or something. Mr. Flournoy, his wife Linda, and their children had reserved a long table. We were sitting just outside of the ropes watching them. He was spending most his time with his grandson. His grandson had a toy remote racing car. The boy and the judge carried the remote car over to a vacant area near the children’s play area and the boy showed his grandfather how he could make the little car go forwards, backwards, and turn. They were called back to the table to eat.

The reserved Flournoy table had something that looked delicious, I forgot what, and flowers, wine, and fresh baked bread. Grandpa Flournoy sat at the head of the table. While his family members were passing things around he sat there studying the remote car he had on the table in front of him. Then he pressed a button he shouldn’t have and the remote control car went at a high rate of speed down the length of the table knocking everything over it made contact with, then plunged on the ground. For a moment, they were all speechless, then a big laugher.

While on the Square we ate at Old Ephraim's Restaurant. Ephraim’s has delicious pulled pork. It has just enough natural juices, sizzled fat, and crisp burnt edges to be just right. I think Ephraim’s pulled pork rivals Dave Poe’s and Sam Huff’s.

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