
Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Tyson Genealogy - part 25

I haven't put any Tyson genealogy data up since I changed computers.

Here we go:

156. HOWARD RUTHERFORD8 TYSON (EUGENE HARGRAVES JOB7, JOB6, JOHN5, THOMAS4, MATHIAS3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 12 Apr 1836 in , , Ga, and died 20 Dec 1862 in Richmond, , Va. He married EMILY MARY STONE HANE 12 Apr 1856 in , Cherokee, Ga60, daughter of LITTLE STONE and MARY. She was born Abt. 1843, and died Unknown.

Co. D., 14th Regiment - Infantry

Burial: Oakwood Cem., Richmond, Va
Military service: Wounded at the Battle of Fredricksburg - died a week later in Richmond

Children of HOWARD TYSON and EMILY HANE are:
289. i. MARTHA CORNELIA9 TYSON, b. 06 Sep 1860; d. 11 Apr 1931.
ii. MARY LOU ELLA TYSON, b. Abt. 1862; d. Unknown; m. J.A. SHIFLET, 02 Jan 1901; b. Abt. 1860; d. Unknown.

157. OLIN VALTON8 TYSON (EUGENE HARGRAVES JOB7, JOB6, JOHN5, THOMAS4, MATHIAS3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 03 Mar 1838 in , Clarke , Ga61, and died 14 Jun 1920 in Praire Township, Jackson, Mo. He married LOUVENIA INGRAM62 03 Mar 1867 in , Jackson Co, Mo, daughter of ELVERTO INGRAM and HANNA POWELL. She was born 27 Apr 1848 in LaFayette, , Mo, and died 18 Aug 1930 in Van Buren Township, Jackson, Mo63.

After the Civil War he and and his brother Thomas Stanley Tyson, migrated to Jackson Co., Mo.
Thomas married his wife's widowed mother.

Burial: Lee's Summit Cem., Lee's Summit, Mo

Burial: Lee's Summit Cem., Lee's Summit, Mo

290. i. ORSON ANTONIO9 TYSON, b. 07 Jan 1868, , Jackson Co, Mo; d. 04 Sep 1957, Colorado Springs, El Paso Co, Co.
291. ii. AKIN DELOSS TYSON, b. 07 Jan 1870, , Jackson, Mo; d. 10 Oct 1911, Lee's Summit, Jackson, Mo.
292. iii. CLIFFORD CRAWFORD TYSON, b. 02 Nov 1871, , Jackson, Mo; d. 20 May 1934, , , Kansas.
iv. WILLIAM TYSON, b. Aft. 1873; d. Unknown, Kansas City, Mo.
293. v. HARVEY THORTON TYSON, b. 19 Jan 1874, , Jackson, Mo; d. 08 Nov 1957, Shawnee, Pottotowamie, Ok.
294. vi. HERCHEL SIDNEY TYSON, b. 09 Jan 1876; d. Jul 1972, Lee's Summit, Jackson, Mo.
295. vii. PEARLA ALICE TYSON, b. 01 Feb 1878, , Jackson, Mo; d. 24 Sep 1937.
296. viii. DAVID RICE MCNALLY TYSON, b. 05 Sep 1880, , Jackson, Mo; d. 28 May 1931, Lee's Summit, Jackson, Mo.
297. ix. ODEM VINCENT TYSON, b. 26 Apr 1882; d. 12 Aug 1971, Phoenix, , Az.
x. WALTER GRANVILLE TYSON, b. 06 Feb 1884, , Jackson, Mo; d. Unknown.
298. xi. GRADY CROFTON TYSON, b. 29 Jan 1889, , Jackson, Mo; d. 1961, Lee's Summit, Jackson, Mo.

158. CORNELIA TEXAS8 TYSON (EUGENE HARGRAVES JOB7, JOB6, JOHN5, THOMAS4, MATHIAS3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 03 Oct 1839 in , , Ga, and died Unknown. She married WILLIAM K. CLIFFORD 29 Jan 1859 in , Cherokee, Ga64. He was born Abt. 1839, and died Unknown.

She was living near her brother Thomas Stanely TYSON in 1869. She and her husband may have settled across the river in Kanas.

Compton Cal
Rural No 2
Apr 21s 1902
Jack Olin Tyson
Dear Nephew
We recd your very kind letter of Mar 9d and owe you an appology for not answering sooner Glad to hear about your brothers and sisters, but it is strange you do not tell us something about your father. He is the same age as myself with a few months as we were together a great deal in the early part of my married life, but I had not heard anything of him for a number of years. Olin and Thom as your uncles were down in Ga a few years ago and visited us in Kansas after their returne north and from them I learned much of our relatives in the south and we have also had letter recently for Doc Newtons children in Texas and Ga- also cousins of yours I get letters from O.V. and Thomas in Mo. Quite oftenand they are expecting to pay us a visit soon
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Yes- we had herd about the big estate left to the unknown heirs of John Tyson in Australia and had our lawyer investigate it: but it seems they state that they have fond all the heirs and divaded and settled the estate- At lest that's the way our lawyer says However if our branch of the Tyson Family are related to the Australian of that name - the Courts would no doubt re open the case and redistribute it so far as possible- It is nevr too late to do good or right a wrong. Your uncle O.V. writes me you have done more towards unraveling the affair than any one else that he knows of and we would be more then glad to know how far you have gone and what you think of its merrits of the case
Your aunt says that she remembers her aunt Delitha Winston Tyson quite well. She visited her father (your grandfather) in Ga before we were married about 1848 or 50 and remained with them about a year and she thinks her home was in Augusta Ga at that time. Your cousins in Atlanta Ga seem to think the matter a fake- I guess no doubt about a man by name of John Tyson died in Australia and left a big estate to unknown heirs- and if he was your frandfathers brother or any relation- it can be established
Page 3
We have three children living. The oldest lives in Mead Co. Kansas Her husband F. M. Davis is or was till recently Co. Attorney. They have a large family of mostly boys. Our second is Mrs. Fredonia Clifford Adams resides in the city here, her husband being Manf. Jeweler for Montgomery Bros Our youngest Ada is wife of Chas. S. Gregory- a laundryman and lives cor. 10th and Santee St L.A. She has no children Fredonia has four bright boys. She is an invalid and we think has consumption altho she says she will get well. W live two miles out of town (south) on a hay ranch The last four years have been distressingly dry and we have had hard time to make expences- in fact have not made expenses. The City is growing fast and we hope the increase in the value of our land will to some extent make up for shortage in these dry years. We hope to hear from you as often as convenient
Direct to Compton Cal. Believe me
Very Truly
Rural No 2 W. K. Clifford

L37 East 30th St
Los Angeles Cal may 8th 1906
My dear Nephew
Your very welcom letter of the 25th ult. Came o.k.. We have mov'd into the city and built a six room cottage on a lot 50X l35. Have all the modern conveniances and are takeing the world easy.
No doubt you have heard a great deal about the Earth Quake. San franSis'co is nearly five hundred miles up the coast from us. There has never been any quakes here to speak of-and we here no uneasines about them. Was glad to hear that you and rest of our friends are OK Your father and I are about same age. Only a few months difference and I am truly glad to know he is well
Our youngest child-Ada- has been in invalid for two years. She had what ever used to call-white swelling and used crutches nearly two years
Page 2
She went to hospital had operation, and the doctors decided to cut her leg off-but her husband and her mother and I all objected so seriously that they abandoned that plan-and as a last resort we sent her to a Sanitorium up in the mountains. She came home recently-without crutches-and we think she will get well. We hope osAAs we don't know where aunt Mary and Aunt Winston live. Would like evr so much to here from them or about them
I get a letter occasionally from O.V. Tyson and from Thomas S.-but have nothing recently-for several months past.
I am much in doubt about that Australia fortune-altho have made but little effort to get at facts. Your Aunt Texas-thinks if there was any one with pluck-or back bone-to figure it out-that she and others of the family are the true heirs
Page 3
Your Aunt and Cousin Ada have gone up town and wanted me to answer your very kind letter-which in a hurried way I am trying to.
If you are single-I think you would improve your condition by coming to this Coast. Times are good here and have been for a number of years. Mechanics of all kinds get good pay-Carpenters from 3 to 450 per day-owing to their ability. Room and board 3 ½ to 5 per week. Plenty of work. Not a very good place for strikers. Mostly open shop. Walking delegates and "business agents" not wanted

Write often and
Belive me yours Truly
W.K. Clifford

High Blue Cass? Co Mo
5th Feby 1872
Bro J.G.
It has been a very long time Since I heard from you and
presume you are like my-=self-getting negligent about writeing. We are
having a very coldwinter here and I've wished myself a thousand miles south
of here many times this winter
Im feeling lime (fine?) five hund (burned) and odd head Texa(s)
(burned)winter (next line burned)
to look after (burned rest of line)
O.V. has not up (?) to this time (burned 2 words)
any business for another (burned)
and dont know yet what he will do - I presume he will remove to over new town
of Belton ~~at the R.R. crossing~~

Page 2

(top left burned) seen Thomas since Grandma left for Ga but understand they
have another boy-They call him Stanley~~
How is Grandma contented this winter? I was very sorry she did not
like our country well enough to remaine longer
I have a man on my place who thinks on raising (?) some tobacco this
year-and I would like very much to get (y) to send me per mail some (burned)
d-Suitable for Cigar tobacco (large area burned) -Our soil is (burned)
for the large varieties (one word burned) are all having very good health
this winter-Wife and (?) B(?)i(e)ll send much love to you and yours~~Write
me all the news - how you are prospering the the world (etc?)

Top of last page

Tell Grandma we wrote her (corner burned)
and we are always glad to hear from her
Very Truly Yours
- Transcribed by Judith Tyson Raymond.

(The originals of this set of letters are in the possession of Margarete
Euler Wessinger living in Anniston, Al. Judy Tyson Raymond has scanned
copies in color

299. i. NARCISSA BELL9 CLIFFORD, b. 1861, Mead, , Kn; d. Unknown.
300. ii. FREDONIA MASTON CLIFFORD, b. 1872; d. Abt. 1903.
iii. ADA CORNELIA CLIFFORD, b. 1874; d. Unknown; m. CHARLES S. GREGORY; b. May 1873; d. Unknown.

One had TB and one had arthitis.

Our youngest child-Ada- has been in invalid for two years. She had what ever used to call-white swelling and used crutches nearly two years
Page 2
She went to hospital had operation, and the doctors decided to cut her leg off-but her husband and her mother and I all objected so seriously that they abandoned that plan-and as a last resort we sent her to a Sanitorium up in the mountains. She came home recently-without crutches-and we think she will get well.
- Letter from her father to a nephew

Los Angeles, Calif
Feb. 3rd 1903
My Dear Cousin Jack-
After so long a time I will endevor to answer you kind letter received some
time ago. I have just returned from up town and enjoyed the wlk so much, we
have just hada fine rain and the air is so refreshing and some what cold in
fact today is the coldest day we have had this winter early this morning
there was ice in the yard so you see it get cold in California some tines yet
it looks strange to look out of your window and see roses and green lawns and
then look up and seethe snow upon the mountians but I like
Page 2
California so much better than any place I have ever lived; mama says it
reminds her of Georgia. You wanted me to send you the names and address of my
sistersand their children I will inclose them on a sepperate paper I know
(you might say) nothing about mama's people only Uncle Tom and Uncle Olen who
as you know live in Mo., the book of the different "Generations" of Tyson no
doubt must be of intrest and very like of value and if you could do so would
be glad if you could sent it for a copy as it would be of great value to mama.
I do so want mama to go South before she dies but am afraid she never will,
she is now
Page 3
Sixty four years old but very active for her age. You are a few yers older
than I am if you are past thirty my husband is quite bald but is only 33
years old, he says it is from living with such a little torrent" as I am, he
is very sedate and quiet while I am all "go" and live for the enjoyment there
is in life not but I have my serious moments and realize that life is by no
means all the fun and play but I try to look always at the bright side and in
so doing get a greatdeal of pleasureout of life. You wanted to know what
wages a carpenter got per day I think from $2.50 to $4.00 noing to what they
do. There seems to be a scarsety of help here
Page 4
Among the capenters Los Angeles is having a "boom" it now numbers over
155000and people are coming all the time rents are very high. You cannot get
a modren five room cottage under $25.00 and as high as $40.00 a month, flats
are quite high also we are in a flat but in the spring will either buy or rent
a cottage if rents go down We pay %15.00 for three rooms and a pantry large
enough for my gas range. And think it cheap, we live in easy walking distance
of town about ten blocks in a very nice locality but I do not like a flat. I
tell you what to do. You come out here and build a
Page 5
House for us and I will try and find you a little sweet heart but I cannot
promise that she will have money that is something we all are after, you are
right there is a scaresity (of nice girls now days they all seem so forward
and no account but I have a very dear little friend she is not young, I think
she is nearly thirty but very young looking and very nice not goody good) who
lives in Mo. That would be the right one for you she is jolly about my size
(under size) dark hair and eyes her name is Theresa Pryor, she live in Reeds
Mo. Or get her mail there in care of Free alel.#I (Rural) she is really a very
dear girl and I have known her all my
Page 6
Life, if you want me to I will give you a letter of intreduction and you can
correspond with her, perhaps though you don't approve of such things. You
speak about your picture being taken in the Fire Company did you use to
belong to the Hose Co, there is one of the Company located in the block noth
of here I have not gone up yet to have my pictures taken but will in the near
future and will send you one so don't forget so send me one of your soon.
There must be a large mixed family of you all togeather, how do you manage to
not get mixed I don't know what we would do if we had a
Page 7
Large family we hve been married ten years in May and when I want to go any
place I never have any one to consult but myself and Chas. The same way, we
usually got out togeather Monday is his Lodge night Tuesday mine and Sat.
afternoon I always go to the Theater We get along like Comrades never have
any words over going out at night, Chas is very good about staying home unless
I go with him. He is at the present time driving a Laundry Route. He owns it
himself and does very well usually makes from $90.00 to as high as $125.00 a
Page 8
But living is very high here and eats up nearly everything a person makes.
Mama and papa are both well. I am feeling fine have gained five lbs in a
little over a month hope I will keep on getting fleshy for I need about ten
more pounds. Well no doubt you are tired of reading this so I will close.
Plese do not wait so long as I did before answering. Excuse all wrons and
Your loving COY.
Ada Gregory
#1014 Santee St.
Narcissa Bell Davis MeadKan. 41 yrs
Fredonia Maston Adams dead, 31
Ada Cornelia Gregory Los Angeles 29
Wayne Davis 18 years Mead Kans.
Theadore Stub 15 " " "
Johnnie 12 " " "
Mamie 10 " " "
Chas. 8 " " "
Lennie 6" " "
Four others that I do not know their ages.

Chas. Clifford Adams 8 years
Keith Kenyon Adams 6 "
Allen Armstrong Adams 4"
David Douglas Adams 2"
All of Los Angeles. Calif
Mailed Feb 4, arrive #22 West 19St Anniston Feb 8, 1903 2cent stamp

Occupation: Laundryman

159. EUGENE FRELINGHUGSEN8 TYSON (EUGENE HARGRAVES JOB7, JOB6, JOHN5, THOMAS4, MATHIAS3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1) was born 30 Jun 1846 in , Cherokee, Ga, and died 06 Jul 1928. He married NANCY CAROLINE MCCLURE 15 Dec 1866 in , Cherokee, Ga65, daughter of ROBERT MCCLURE and HANNA COBB. She was born 21 Sep 1849, and died 06 Feb 1923.

Woodstock, Ga., Aug 17th 190l
Mr. J. O. Tyson:
Dear Nephew
I received your most kind and welcomb letter yesterday was truly glad to hear from you as I hadent heard from eny of you in a long tim This leaves all well hope to find you all the same, I don't know hardely how to writ in regard to Farthers ansester he was born May the 30th 1798 (above this is written"Eugene Hargraves Tyson) Frances Eliza Poytress Flenning was born Oct 25 1799 tha was marred in Virgnia I heard Farther speak of James Tyson and Hinsion Tyson and Winston Tyson she was never marred I remember. See her but nvry saw eny of Pa brothers I havent eny photos of eny of Pa brother he never would have his taken I cant fin eny further information, O. H. Tyson got a letter from a past(x)y in Texas he sead that would meat the 13th of this month and Tyson lived in Centuckey he would be there and that tine was so much money that tha dident no what to doe with it 52 milan in the bank in England and a great deal in (Ralne ads)? And other propety that thre was a nauf for all
Page 3
The Tysons in the woral I think I will pay you all a visit this fall writ soon I am in a hury to get to the office as the mail gos at 9oclock I couldent writ last night Carrie wanted to goe to see her Farther he is very lo with cancer in the fas he cant live but a short tim his face is eaten all most up let me hear from you at once,
May the Lord bles you
Direct Woodstock Ga. Po hase 33
Your uncle
E F Tyson

Written on embossed page "Silverlake" paper
Cherokee Co, Ga Oct 24th (date unsure) 1883 is written above
the date)

Dear Brother J. G. I recived your leter a fuew days agoe was very glad to
hear from you all &(beautiful and sign) that you all was weell wee are all
without _________ _______
and hope theas will find you all enjoying the same blessing I
havent nothing to write of intrust execept wee went to a Burning today. Bud
Mecluren, babe died last night at midnight and was burned this eve at 4:
oclock it throed up like Ma did it sufferd a great deal, you wanter
no sumthing about the Church it will be let out the 2Seceond day

page 2 on reverse side

of November which is friday Now if you want me to make a bid for you let me
no at once or by thisroday (very difficult to make out) so I will no what
to doe. the house will be 36 feet wide 50 feet long 12 feet wall with 11
winders, 3 doerS, weather bornden: ruf Sealing all matched (space) ready
for puting up wee want to tar down ("n" is on the next line) the old house
neax weak pleas write or com at once I would like for you to be
here on neaxt Friday and you could tell moer about it Sunday it will be
built for les then 200 hundred please let me noe at once com to see us
I must close for I bin seating up I remain your Brother
E. F. Tyson
Clarence Ala

- Transcribed by Judith Tyson Raymond

Burial: Bascomb Meth Ch., Cherokee Co., Ga

Burial: Bascomb Meth Ch., Cherokee Co., Ga

i. INA POYTHRESS9 TYSON, b. 30 Apr 1868, , Cherokee, Ga; d. 10 Dec 1963; m. JOHN R. SARGENT, 15 Dec 1886, , Cobb Co., Georgia66; b. 24 May 1866; d. 23 Oct 1926.

Burial: Carmel Bapt Ch., Cherokee Co., Ga

Burial: Carmel Baptist Church Cem., Cherokee Co., Ga

301. ii. ROBERT CRAWFORD TYSON, b. 25 Feb 1870, , Cherokee, Ga; d. 10 Dec 1963, , , Mo.
iii. EMMA HANNA TYSON, b. 1872, , Cherokee, Ga; d. Unknown; m. JOHN MCCLAIN; b. Abt. 1870; d. Unknown.

Burial: Mars Hill Cem., Acworth, Cobb, Ga

302. iv. ADA EUGENIA TYSON, b. 16 Feb 1874, , Cherokee, Ga; d. 10 Dec 1963.
v. WILLIAM THOMAS TYSON, b. 02 Jul 1876, , Cherokee Co, Ga; d. 16 Jul 1903, , Cherokee, Ga; m. MARY EMILY DODSON, 09 Jul 1899; b. Abt. 1876; d. Unknown.

Burial: Bascomb Methodist Church, south Cherokee Co., Ga
Lived: 27 years.

vi. ALICE AMANDA TYSON, b. 28 Sep 1878; d. Unknown; m. WILLIAM ALLGOOD; b. Abt. 1878, , Cherokee, Ga; d. Unknown.
vii. JAMES WALTER TYSON, b. 08 Apr 1881, , Cherokee, Ga; d. 20 Aug 1968; m. (1) ALMA PALMORE; b. Abt. 1881; m. (2) JESSE MAE MATHIS, 15 Jan 1902; b. Abt. 1881; d. Unknown.
viii. MARSHALL OLEN TYSON, b. 23 May 1883, , Cherokee, Ga; d. Unknown; m. A.L. DORA COOK, 08 Mar 1903; b. Abt. 1883; d. Unknown.

Burial: Mountain View Cem., Marietta, Ga

ix. CARRIE TYSON, b. 09 Sep 1889, , Cherokee Co, Ga; d. 10 Jul 1890.

Burial: Bascomb Methodist Church, Cherokee Co., Ga
Lived: Only 10 months

303. x. EVA CORNELIA TYSON, b. 07

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