
Monday, May 10, 2010

Woodstock Concerts

That is Woodstock, Georgia, not Woodstock, NY.

Above is one third of a mural in town. This part represents of of the main industries of the past: Chickens.

We went to Woodstock for a Sister Hazel concert this past Friday night.

Here is Joe Jenkins that told me about the Sister Hazel concert. The concert was to start at 7:30. We arrived at 5:40, which was too late to get a good place in the park. Joe Jenkins and his family arrived at 4:30 and they ideally had a good place. It would have been a good place if hoards of people just kept coming, even when they were late and it was so crowded I doubt if anybody had a good place to see.

Joe and I both grew up in Marietta and knew the same people, places, and happenings, but we never met until about last fall a the dog park. A small world is sometimes a big world. By the way, he made that Woodstock tee-shirt.

I mentioned the Right Wing Tavern this past week in a post. Here it is.

Here is Betty Boop, as a carhop, outside the hotdog joint on Main Street. Does it looks she is serving a black SUV in the first picture - and wait! in the second picture it is rolling off her tray! I know what you are thinking, "What a clever photographer!" and I agree... but I must confess, I didn't realize the vehicle*(s) was/were on her tray until just now.

Woodstock, Georgia, is special to me. My great grandfather, William A. Hunter built a house on Main Street back in 1903. Now it is the building of a tool rental company. My grandfather, Frank Paris Hunter, grew up in and near Woodstock.

As I was saying before, the crowd made sitting back enjoying the entertainment very hard. We tried to listen to the opening act before Sister Hazel and couldn't. So, about five minutes into trying to Listen to Sister Hazel we just could not take anymore of the crowd.... also, we gave some thought of trying to leave when it was over, we would be either be the stampeders or the stampedees. So we left.

Here is short video to prove my point... Although as terrible as I hate to be in a crowd it does provide an excellent place to people watch.


  1. Eddie, first time I have commented in a good while. Have been enjoying the Olympian pics and the vids.
    Joe Jenkins is another indirect link that you and I have. I worked with his brother, Grady in the early '70s. We were in the Air Guard/Civil Service technician detachment at Dobbins AFB. Grady died several years ago. Either Joe and/or Jeff Jenkins used to live on Joy Ride Drive behind me when I lived in the North Marietta/Woodstock area during the '70s. Still a small world ain't it...

  2. Yes, Eddie His name is Skip Hudson. Its been many years since he lived close by on Eula drive. He and Grady were good friends and worked with the Air National Guard.

  3. Skip, Didn't you graduate with Johnny Hunter? We saw him and Jeanie down in Brunswick last weekend. Which brings me to my second question, did you go to the class reunion the weekend before?

  4. Joe & Skip,
    Joe thanks for verifying who I thought Skip is.
    Skip, I haven't heard from you in so long, for a minute I didn't place a "Skip" who would have an interest in the MHS OLYMPIAN. I have two other Skip friends, but none lived in Marietta during high school time.

  5. Skip Hudson5:09 AM

    Eddie, I did graduate with Johnny. I have not seen him except in photos since 1990 at 25th reunion. He and I sometimes communicate by email. Would like to visit him on a trip to Brunswick one day. I did not go to class reunion in April. Wish I could have, but my schedule is impacted by with my elderly parents here in Walker, LA.
    I used and still found an address for Joe Jenkins on Joy Ride. I did not think he would remember me living on Eula Drive until 1978. Hello Joe...
    Eddie, thanks for once again providing me with the opportunity via your blog, to verify some of my memories.

  6. Skip,
    Speaking of your graduation class we ran into Alice Bell and her husband at Baybreeze Restaurant not long ago. I knew Alice because she worked with my wife, and heard a lot about her husband, who, obviously, I cannot recall his name at the moment.
    You are welcome. I enjoy doing this and wallow in my memories. I thought I had better dwell on them, because it looks like I might outlast them.

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The noon lunch time concerts in September are not so crowded. Lots of mothers with children, but still a pretty enjoyable concert. I don't go to the afternoon/evening ones for the reasons you cited.

    Mike D

  8. Mike, I agree, the noon concerts have about as big of crowd as a chamber recital would have, so it is nice. But I found the at the Thursday brownbag concerts in Marietta they may or may not show show up.

  9. Mike, I agree, the noon concerts have about as big of crowd as a chamber recital would have, so it is nice. But I found the at the Thursday brownbag concerts in Marietta they may or may not show show up.


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