
Monday, May 31, 2010


Our sons' neighborhood playmate Stephen will return again in a couple of days. I think he is in transit now. He is returning from a second, maybe third, tour in one of the predominately Muslin countries.

We will be happy for the family when Stephen is safely in the home he grew up in, out of harms' way.

They grow up too quickly don't they?

Memorial Day for the U.S. Military Fallen

Bus and Jerry Hunter

Hunter 1st cousins and sibllings in grandparents yard, c1944. Left to Right: 1st row, Vickie Crain. 2nd row: Jerry Hunter, Bobby Crain, Eddie Hunter, and Frances Hunter. 3rd row: Jimmy Crain.

Jerry learning to fly.

Robert Gerald "Jerry" Hunter (1941-1966)

From the magazine LOOKING GOOD DOUGLAS COUNTY, Vol 1, Number 3, March/April 1988. Article JERRY HUNTER: he gave his life. By Vicki Harsbarger.
Jerry Hunter, 25, was about to complete his 34th mission of the Vietnam War.
The two months he had spent in Vietnam had been filled with missions such as this one. Supply lines were sought, supply lines were bombed.
The F-105 was a one-man jet requiring much expertise of the pilot. He delivered his bombs directly on the targeted bridge. The enemy fire hit the plane, he bailed out. The pilots watched as the parachute disappeared from sight in the trees.
From the ground, a beeper signal was heard by the pilots. They attempted a rescue, but enemy fire struck from the area of the area where the parachute had landed. A second plane was hit, and the pilots were forced to return to base.
Two months later, American soldiers were able to search the place where Robert Gerald Hunter went down. Laos natives took the men to the place where his body was buried.
Jerry began his final journey home to be buried in the town where he was voted most talented of Douglas County High School; where he dreamed of one day attending the Citadel; and where of dream of becoming a pilot began with an essay written on how Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic would affect the future of aviation.
Awards came early for Jerry Hunter. He was honored with other superlatives at Douglas County High School, with his claim to fame the title of Most Talented. He was well known for his artistic talents, and worked as editor of the school yearbook. He starred in the senior play.
"If anything happens to him, he's doing what he wants to do", his wife of one year, Laura Ann Milby, had said of Hunter. His parents, Robert and Zelma, had suggested that he choose a line of work in keeping with his Citadel degree in business administration, but he would not settle for less than his dreams.
"He wanted to be the best." Zelma Hunter reminisces. "He always wanted to be a good pilot. He said if he made a good place for himself in the Air Force he would make a career of it or he would be become a commercial pilot," she said.
The handsome flyer passed all manner of physical tests toprove his fitness of pilot training, which he received at Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta following his graduation from the Citadel with honors. Minor surgery was suffered twice by Hunter in order to fly the F-105, Mrs. Hunter said.
"He didn't want us to worry," Mrs. Hunter says lovingly of her son. "I'd ask him on the telephone if he'd been shot at, wanting him to say no. He'd say, "Yes, but they missed. Don't worry about it, Mom, sometimes it's fun."
During the week while the Hunters awaited the return of Jerry's body, the Chamber of Commerce acting on a motion by Church of Christ Minister Richard Waggoner, passed a resolution recommending that the park be memorably named Hunter Park.
On July 18, 1966, the Hunters' hopes died with the news of their son's death and his returning body. On July 22, funeral services were held at the Church where Jerry became a Christian, First Baptist Church of Douglasville. The church was overflowing as the first Douglas County military and 11th Citadel victim of the Vietnam war was laid to rest.
Over 100 flags flew at Douglasville businesses, painstakingly placed there by the remembering hands of the Jaycees. The town was subdued as businesses closed for the afternoon.
As faces were in unison at Rose Memorial Gardens Cemetery toward the casket containing the remains of Robert Gerald Hunter, the sound of planes roared overhead, urging the mourners to gaze upward.
Four planes flew across the horizon in unison, three planes returned.

Jerry's father "Bus" Hunter at Hunter Park after his 96th birthday party.

Douglasville, Georgia, has named a sports complex park in Jerry's memory.


I wish the HBO series PACIFIC, the ten part series of a company of Marines that fought in the islands of Pacific ended last night instead of one week ealier. It would have been timelier.

However, if it had ended last night, it might have bumped, or became the bumpee, of the Washington DC Memorial Service on PBS where entertainers sung, played instruments, and had readings in tribute of the military fallen. One would surely cancel out the other.

Today is Memorial Day. The day is to memorialize those who have given their lives serving their country, or defending us. It is also a day to give thanks for the ones that served their country and survived.

The fallen ones that lived have to go through the rest of their lives being haunted by terrors (killings) that most of us cannot even imagine.

I remember as a kid during World War II some young men returning home just weren't quiet right. Some were zombies, some developed into alcoholics, and some did a flip flop from reality.

And some return home with all their limbs blown off and had to relearn motor skills.

I heard on the CBS Sunday Morning News Show a couple year ago that some of the returning mentally injured military personnel are dishonorably or medically discharged, thus eliminating the military's huge expensive rehabilitation cost. I hope that is not true, or if it was, I hope it has been discontinued. Is that anyway to show thanks to those who gave it all defending us Americans? It is like they were treated royalty when they were an asset defending their country, but when injured while doing so and became a liability, they wanted to get rid of them.

It is like the age old question, “But what have you done for me lately?”

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Tyson Genealogy - Part 23

This is a relative small section of my Tyson Genealogy Report. The ones listed are all descended from my ancestor Eugene Hargraves Tyson, but in order give my ancestor Robert C. Tyson the attention I want to give him, I stopped just of him and will start the next Tyson session with him leading the way. It is just a matter of presentation or style.

150. WILLIAM THEODORE8 TYSON (EUGENE HARGRAVES JOB7, JOB6, JOHN5, THOMAS4, MATHIAS3, JOHN2, UNKNOWN1)52 was born 30 Mar 1819 in , Clarke, Ga, and died 08 Apr 1898 in Fashion, Murray Co, Ga53. He married ELIZABETH LEONARD 1845 in Murray, , Ga. She was born 1824 in , Lumpkin, Ga, and died 1893 in , Murray, Ga.

Burial: Center Valley Cemetery, Murray Co., Ga
Military service: CSA, 1st Ga Infantry, Co.F, as Sgt

Burial: Center Valley Cemetery, Murray Co., Ga

i. MELVIN WILLIAM9 TYSON, b. 1846, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1846, Fashion, Murray, Ga.
275. ii. WILLIAM ROSS TYSON, b. 1847, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1917.
276. iii. JOSEPHINE PARTNESS TYSON, b. 1854, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1918.
iv. JESSIE OLIN TYSON, b. 1851, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1876; m. ANNIE; b. Aft. 1851; d. Unknown.

Lived: Only about 25 years.

v. THOMAS FLETCHER TYSON, b. 1852, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1934; m. HATTIE WESTON; b. Abt. 1851; d. Unknown.

They lived the Old Federal Highway, Red's Crossing, and some mineral springs. - MURRAY COUNTY HERITAGE, pp 245.

vi. WARREN EUGENE TYSON, b. 1854, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1933; m. (1) HATTIE WESTON; b. Abt. 1854; d. Unknown; m. (2) MATTIE KEITH, 20 Jan 1881, , Murray Co, Ga54; b. Aft. 1854; d. Unknown.

Same Hattie that married brother Thomas?

vii. NANCY ELVIRA TYSON, b. 1860; d. 1928; m. DOCTOR W. BOND; b. Abt. 1855; d. Unknown.
277. viii. REV JOHN FORREST TYSON, b. 1863, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 1936, Fort Worth, Terrant, Tx.
ix. IVA LEE TYSON, b. 1867, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. Unknown; m. A SOUTER; b. Abt. 1865; d. Unknown.
x. WEBSTER GLENN TYSON, b. 1870, Fashion, Murray, Ga; d. 02 Jun 1930, Stephens, , Ar; m. JULIE BALLIER; b. Abt. 1870; d. Unknown.

Bowie Texas
Feb 13th 1902
Mr. J O Tyson
Anniston Ala
Dear Cousin Jack.
You perhaps have forgotten me. But I remember you though we were very Small when I Saw you. If I am not mistaken your Fathers family lived in Dalton Ga once while we lived in murray Co I remember stoping a Uncle John,s once or twice I am the youngest child of W T Tyson. Father and mother have been dead 9 years
Page 2
I came to Tex 9 years ago I hve one Brother in Tx Rev J. F. Tyson at Throckmorton Tex. And Brother W E at Olustie O T Fletcher lives in Ala. Some where I don't know his address I wish you would write me his address If you know it. Well Cousin Jack. I Just received a letter from uncle Tom and Cousin Maroin they sent me a copy of your letter I am glad you are working on this Estate I am also working on it We had a meeting at my house on the first of this month
Page 3
And they appointed me manager for the Immediate relation in Tex. I have some very important Facts bearing on this case I have lerned of one Sam Tyson in Williamsen Co Tex that was acquainted with Uncle John J Tyson before he went to Australia he claimes that John J told him that he was going to Australia Says he knew where he left here and that he herd from him after he got to Australia, I have written to of our uncles and aunts (living) am expecting their answers daily
Page 4
According to all information I have received there was two of theas with million heirs in Astralia one James and one John Tyson the USC wrote us that the James Tyson Estate called for one Delitha Winston Tyson Said If we were related to her we had a part in this Estate of course you know she was our grand aunt. So you see we have a part in that estate now this John Tyson Estate is ours beyound any doubt but it semes we are getting after it mighty slow. The Ft worth Mail Telegramme (announced) (his parenthesis
Page 5
A few days ago that Senator Culberton Telegraphed them that he had made Satisfactory arraingments in regards the Tyson Estte there is a Tyson in Ft worth that seems to be trying to get the Estate all to him sefl. Thos U- is his name. He is a big windg I have tried to see him but failed. We must push this through or we loose. So please Suggest some plan of action. How about Hoke Smith have you evr heard from him any wey Aunt Winston wrote me that Hoke Smith was Inquiring for one Delitha Winston Tyson I cant find out what Smith is doing he seems to be working on or for the estate. I am going to Ft worth in a few days and start an Investigation of this business. Marvin(?)paper creased sent me a Cliping from a Philadelpha Paper stating that his Estate was unclaimed Said the adminestrator in Australia had advertised evrywhere and had failed to find the Heirs Said they were supposed to be in The US. Well Jack be shurre to give my love to uncle and Aunt if they still live and to all the family tell me of your fammily
Page 7
Are you married how many children have you. How many Brothers & Sisters hve you I will give you Some addresses Aunt Winston D Parkes is 706 Walnut St Vicksberg Miss Aunt C F Clifford 1265. E 47th St Los angles Cala. Of corse you know where the Balance of the uncles and aunts live now Cousin Jack please let me hear from you at once and Suggest some plan of action as it is high time we were doing Something your
Loving Cousin
W G Tyson
Bowie Tex


This is Memorial Day Eve. Memorial Day is the day assigned day to pay respect and give thanks to the members of the military who have given their lives in defense of our country. This story is about such a man, Jamie Kemp, in the Revolutionary War, at Pell's Point of Long Island Sound.

This story is from EC'S TWO-FISTED TALES #11. It was written by Harvey Kurtzman and drawn by Wallace Wood. Both are better known for their innovative work pioneering the issued of MAD.

1957 OLYMPIAN - Advertisements 09

I don't know if you remember or not, but in the 1956 OLYMPIAN, THE HUDDLE HOUSE ad, it was very similar, except it was the football team all reaching across the table for supposedly the drinks. What if it wasn't the drinks, then it would mean they were reaching out to grab the waitress.

So, what are the cheerleaders reaching for?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Poor Willow

Yesterday evening Willow slipped and fell down the 2 or 3 steps going down from our deck. I don't think it hurt her physically but it might have hurt her ego or her self-esteem. She was not the little pouncing prancing leopard she that she was only moments earlier.

When she slipped she let out a squeal like a frighten little girl. Then, she trembled some and wanted to be close to us for a while. It was a scare she wasn't expecting.

To build back her pride and ego I thought I would play a video I took of her just last week romping and playing all over the back yard - Queen of the Septic Tank area.

Go Get'em Willow!

1957 OLYMPIAN - Advertisements 08

The last ad for today is for the famous Varner's Drive-In Restaurant, the Mecca of the southeastern section of the United States for elderly teenagers. They gather in April annually and pay homage and instead of wailing at a Wailing Wall they drink beer and giggle.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

1949-50 7th Grade, Waterman Street School

Here is a dab of nostalgia for some selected OM's.

Can you recognize any of the kids without looking on the back of the picture? The back is below (if that makes sense).

Click on the picture above and/or the back below to be able to see better.

1957 OLYMPIAN - Advertisements 07

I ran into Bobby McEntyre yesterday at Baybreeze Seafood Restaurant. He was having lunch with Frank Owenby. Neither one have changed that much in the past 53 years. Both of them could still be doing ads for THE OLYMPIAN passing as Marietta High Students.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jazz Trumpeter Miles Davis's Birthday

Miles Davis was born this day, May 26, 1926, in Alton, Ill. He died September 28, 1991. He lived 65 years.

He played in a very relaxed way I thought. I know it relaxed me. I think he was the definition of "cool" in the jazz dictionary.

An interview with Bryant Gumbel on the TODAY SHOW in 1982:

Here is a sample of his music, SUMMERTIME from PORGY AND BESS:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here is an Educational Lesson For You

The basic rule is that the elite get their cut first then secondly, we commons get to divide what is left over.

This was in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution yesterday, May 24, 2010:

“At least four local superintendents earn more than the vice president of the United States and one earns nearly as much as the president.

As school districts face unprecedented budget cuts and collective layoffs of more than 1,500 teachers, superintendent compensation remains hefty, even with recent decreases.”

I wonder how many front-line teachers these school systems had to lay off to pay these top level salaries. To pay the supers more than they are worth I roughly estimate between two and three teachers per school district had to lose their jobs. Maybe something like 2.5. And that doesn’t sound like many, but multiply that by the 4 school districts and you have 10. And, ten less teachers in the Metro Atlanta System will be something like 300 more students getting absorbed in already crowded classrooms, which of course mean less individual attention, which will result in less quality education.

However, as much as the superintendents are paid, I doubt if their loyalty and dedication was bought; that is always available to the highest bidder. Strange, they all plead for their teachers to have loyalty and dedication in their profession. But I guess money speaks louder. It has been proven more than once if another school district, even in another state, offers them more money they are out of there as quick as they can pack.

But, that doesn’t matter, I bet each superintendent is polished and can speak very eloquently at things like the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club luncheons. That means a lot.

That is our lesson for today kiddies.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bob Dylan Turns 69 Today

And just as shown above, Times, They Are A Changing.

Tooting My Own Horn

So far I have produced over 3100 posts for the Chicken-Fat blog.

Daily I look over the counter statistics. As you may have guessed, not all of them were hits. In fact, I can’t think of even one that was really a big hit. Maybe some were not hits, But visitors kept looking at them.

I am amused and entertained to see my old posts have visits. Overall, on Marietta subjects visitors come often. There are so many subjects and old Marietta pictures it is hard to keep a tally of which ones are getting the most hits. Although I have listed some Marietta subjects below, that gets hit daily. And about the same goes for my EC/MAD comics and genealogy.

Then there is also the consideration of writers who gave Chicken-Fat a plug and the visiting rate picks up for a while, until they wise up. Also, strangely, Chicken-Fat's SUNDAY FUNNIES attract many European people, mostly in Spain.

Listed below is the 9 top posts of the Chicken-Fat blog that gets visited at least once a day. Go figure.

Click on any link below and get swept to the original post.










Sunday, May 23, 2010


If all went according to plan, Adam and his friend Savvy are camping on Cumberland Island in the southeast corner of Georgia.

There is no cell-phone contact on the island. That is roughing it.


Well well, what do we have here? Plainly it is another illustrated SPIRIT story that Will Eisner's staff churned out. One could say this story has some mileage behind it. It was first published in the 40s or 50s, then recycled in 1962 by Harvey Kurtzman in 1962 in HELP Magazine, then The Hairy Green Eyeball blogH recycled it again a few weeks ago... then I entered and recycled it again. Which, ahem! I recycled the GOODMAN BEAVER story from the same HELP! which originated from Hairy as well.

I think Hairy Green Eyeball and I deserve some kind recycling award.