
Sunday, January 03, 2010

Occupation: Retired.

Today I have been retired for exactly 10 years.

Also, today, Anna has been retied one year and one day.

Come on and jump in. I have heard many people say the reason they don't retire is that they need something to do. Well, things work out that just living with life's challenges give you plenty to do everyday. We are always in a frantic rush to get things done and some days we just can't do all that we planned.


  1. I closed my business on 11-2-09, but since I still work for other people, I can't claim to be retired. How does Anna like retirement?

  2. Judy,
    She is running herself raggedy taking care of her mother. She is over at her house almost everyday - there is always a doctor's appointment or something.
    Even a simple task like going to the mailbox to get the mail, her mother is not able, so either Anna or I drops by and gets it every day.


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