
Saturday, August 29, 2009

View from the Window

Remember yesterday I grumbled because we were enticed to sit and eat in the window at a restaurant in Acworth? We were tempted but declined.

Well yesterday evening we were not given a choice. We went to Ephraim’s on the Square and the hostess took us directly to the table in the window for people walking by on the sidewalk could see us dine. Boy, we must be pretty!

But it is a give and take situation. We could look at them also. And look at beautiful Glover Park (above) on the other side of the street… and the speculate if the lady UPS driving picking up around the Square and loading up her truck was Indian or Asian.

Remember the scene above; it will play in this post again.

After we had barbecue salads and was finishing up the hostess brought back two women for the table across from us, also in the window. I told Anna, “Our replacements have arrived.”

We went across the street to stake out a spot to watch the concert for the evening. Billed was The Mustangs. I don’t know if we were to think of a bunch of wild horses or a bunch of Shriner Mustang convertibles or what.

It was a good music making group. They had plenty of beat…. I think they had some age on them, so all that time paid off, they were good, or at least we thought so.

We ran into a bunch of Good old boys, such as Monty, Paul, Arnold, Melvin, and Tillman. We sat fairly close to them.

A man preaching to no one listening. He had a sandwich board sign that you used to see in cartoons in a lot and as a matter of fact, you can still see that kind of one on one advertising on Barrett Parkway.

The preacher found his soap box in small Life College Gazebo and preached loudly and clearly to no one. No one was paying him any attention – but me who took his picture.

Now, remember the top picture of us looking out the window. In the background of the second preacher picture you can see the window we were looking out at.

One of his messages was this: “Love thy neighbor but that don’t mean you can fornicate with your neighbor!” I guess that is plain and direct enough.

Later he told the non listening audience as he was exiting that he was going to the Farmer’s Market in the morning to give the people the message.

He reminded me of the same park 60 years ago. We used to cut through the park to go to the Strand Theater and there was almost always a preacher preaching to no one or to a several drunks sitting on a bench passing the brown paper sack around. That was back in Cobb County dry days.

Also, the guest of honor of the last Good Old People Eating Meeting, Mrs. Howell at the concert. I asked her did she she her picture on Chicken Fat. She said the hadn't got around to it yet. Well, not everybody is attached to their computer like I am. I have to accept that.

I noticed the Cobb Theater lit up again. The last time the Cobb Theater was lit up it was the 3 Bears CafĂ©. Now it is the North Park Bistro. I heard it was haunted. Sho ‘nuff.


  1. Anonymous5:17 AM


  2. Anonymous5:23 AM


  3. PR,
    Yes, if you are Plastic Man.

    What happened to P. Batterson?

  4. Thank you for that Open Air preacher report. Just a few corrections...My husband was the one preaching in your report. The correction I have to make here is that you have a mis-interpretation of the facts. Everyone WAS LISTENING, in fact, when you look at the first photo you can see a man in a chair looking intently in the direction of the gazebo. I know his name because I went over and talked with him. His name is Derrek, he said he was praying and asking the Lord to strengthen my husband during the preaching. He was listening. I met a man from Greensboro, Alabama as well, he was seated about 75 yards to the left of the Gazebo, he commented on the preaching and asked if my husband was a Baptist preacher. I told him that he was and invited him to our church at the Shallowford Free Will Baptist Church. The bottom line is that everyone was listening and some even filed a complaint with the police. My husband was able to reach the ENTIRE crowd on Firday night. The preaching was very effective in terms of delivering a Biblical message that reached the ears of those in the crowd that love their beer, wine, fornicating and sin even while they claim to be Christians! They are what the Bible calls luke warm Christians at best. Remember that Jesus said that He will reject the luke warm Christian...So, your understanding of the concept of open air preaching fails to account for the broadcast effect of declaring the Word of God to PEW SITTERS.

  5. Kay,
    You are right. I looked back and did see the man you mentioned intently listening.
    Good for you for correcting me and standing by your husband.

  6. Great Preaching Brother! Keep it up! Everyone heard the Gospel, Now it is up to them as to what they do with it! Preach on!

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    hey Anonymous you need to get saved.and on JUDGEMENT DAY sinner you will not be anonymous to God .he is aware of all your thoughts and words so repent


  8. Firepreacher?

    I think if I was a preacher I would want to be known by something else.

  9. Thanks for being out there!


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