
Friday, July 24, 2009

The Vehicles Some of Us Drove Back Then…

And some of us walked, rode with our parents, or hitched.

These are pictures of vehicles copied from the Marietta High School yearbook The Olympia for six years, from 1955 to 1960.

Back then it was not that unusual to see a Model T come rattling down the street and a jalopy whip around a corner with loud mufflers. And cruising with the top down would be Johnny Cool, or Richie Rich wheeling his brand new wheels.

Of course jeeps are universal. They have been around attracting teenagers ever since I remember.

For those of us who remember Shaw’s BBQ must remember the 4-Lane and how it used to look. In the background of the Shaw’s had is the 4-Lane, and across the street, which looks like just the edge of another long disappeared pasture.

One of the pictures shows the brand new shiny Edsel in the show room. I guess the old saying “Get one while they last” had some truth in it.

The next to the last picture is a cut-down I forgot what. Betty G. is driving it. I talked to her recently and if I remember correctly she told me it was still in the family.

The last picture with the girls sitting in a convertible at Miss Georgia Dairies – that was the future of home of the famous BIG CHICKEN.

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