
Thursday, July 09, 2009

Speaking of Oakland Cemetery!

If you are new to the Atlanta area and are interested in learning the area’s past you owe it to yourself to visit Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta.

These photos do not do it justice. You will have to see for yourself.

Margaret Mitchell’s resting place. Which she should feel at home at. The area has a great view of downtown Atlanta. It is where General Hood, who just gained the leading roll, of the CSA, watched the Battle of Atlanta... or, watched the infamous Burning of Atlanta - just like they did in Margaret Mitchell's GONE WITH THE WIND.

I wonder if General Hood thought, "This is all I get for all that ass-kicking? Defeat?"

The huge cemetery has many eccentric mausoleums and monuments.

James Andrew of the Andrews’s Raiders (Great Locomotive Chase) was hung near the edge of the cemetery… markers will lead you to the place.

Many Atlanta mayors and Georgia Governors are buried in the cemetery. There is a big Confederate burial section. And if you see a large green area that is on a hill, walk over it respectfully, it is Potter’s Field.

There is much much more.


  1. Sounds like a lot of history there.

  2. Carolyn,

    That reminds me, another historical fact about Oakland. It was where General Hood, newly head of the CSA of the area, watched the Battle of Atlanta.... or you might say, watched Sherman burn it.

    I think I'll go back and add that, don't tell anybody.

  3. I love old cemeteries and I hardly ever get to see one.

  4. Judy,
    I love them too. In the daylight.

  5. When Mabel's husband Ted died in California and she had no cemetery plot in which to bury him, her sister generously allowed her to bring Ted to Atlanta and bury him in Oakland cemetery beside Francine's late husband John, because Francine's second husband had a double plot already paid for, elsewhere. That was about 35 years ago, so I guess John has stopped turning by now.

  6. Lived in Texas for five great years. Out there, they do not even know who Marse Robert is. They say Hood was the hero of The War. And that Nashville was the turning point. Who ever heard of Gettysburg?

    Did you see in the news about that graveyard outside of Chicago where they dug up the bones and resold the plots? Our nextdoor neighbor is rightfully upset because a bunch of family members are in there. She can not get news or anyone on the phone to find out, either. Neither the Alsip authorities nor the cemetery officials.

  7. Si,
    They did something similar here in Marietta. They doubled sold some plots... sold plots that already was owned.
    It is the same cemetery we have a plot. We better hurry and use it before it sold out from under us, or above us, or .....


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