
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Driving Mr. Daisy

Aka Don Rhymer and the chauffer is Jackie Gaskin. He has mounted just outside the window on the driver's side a big loud squeeze-bulb horn that blasts a warning to clear the way - or else

We lived through another week. The Good Old Mixed People met again behind the American Legion with their old friends to celebrate living another week. It was the first time for some.

We drank a beer (or more) to toast another week and got a hold of the barbecue Boston butt and slurp down the Brunswick Stew, both delicious cooked up by Chef Extraordinaire Monty Calhoun.

Also, the Sunbeam bread was pretty good too! I got the bread (now I am throwing my bad shoulder out of place by trying to pat my own back).

And homemade ice cream topped it all off.

One time I counted and I think I counted 28! Wait, it just occurred to me that I did not count myself, so that makes 29 attendees of Good Old Mixed People…. And then more people came and I forgot to count them.

I bet the total was between 35 and 40. I didn’t get a count of how many brought their Bibles… and remember the collection plate, otherwise known as the Kitty Jar.

Some people bought their restored old antique cars. Unfortunately, I only got a picture of Jackie’s Model T. I think about three or four antique cars showed up… and that is not counting my antique 2002 Chevvy pickup (besides the authentic antiques I bet I was the only one there that didn’t have powered windows).

It was relaxing and as always the breeze was nice…. And shooting the breeze was even nicer.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Eddie, this was such a fun read! Looks like you all had a good ol' time (big turnout). I remember Don Rhymer.

  2. Geri,
    Did you recognize Mickey Carlile? He is the first picture below the text. It was Mickey's first time.

  3. Keep this up weekly and you'll need to start having a weigh-in at the entrance.

    I thought I recognized the fellow in the black shirt. I think he came to my last class reunion. He didn't graduate with us, must be a professional class reunion attendee.

    The HS class ahead of us invited our group and the class ahead of them to their reunion, but by word of mouth, as they ran out of postage. You could let black shirt know....

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    No, I would never recognize Mickey Carlile from over 50 years ago. I remember he was part of the "rat pack" ... a lowly bunch of baddies, according to Ms Swain *lol

  5. Nell,

    Maybe the guy is making up for lost time... spreading himself around, in more ways than one.
    I don't think we get carried away eating or drinking. I had a fair serving of pork and Brunswick Stew and no bread and two beers. Those are the only beer I had for the week. We just use it the food and drinks for an excuse or crutch to come together.


    Mickey has changed hasn't he? I remember he used to be hot tempered. Now, he is very mild and easy going.


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