
Sunday, June 07, 2009

We watched the movie DOUBT last night starring Meryl Street, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams*. The acting and the subject perplexity made a great movie – which is based on a great play.

It was about a priest falsely accused of molesting some of the boys in his congregation. I think you are falsely accused if you accused without factual evidence.

He was falsely accused by a nun. Although she did not have proof - in her heart she felt she was right. Is that good enough?

How good would be policeman’s statement be to a jury if the policeman said, “I don’t have any proof but in my heart I know he did it!” ? How would you label such evidence?

Many people think they know as a fact something that they just believe. Only their inflated egos allow them to claim it is fact. According to them, how could someone with such a great mind be wrong?

Give me a break.

*Amy Adams is a great actress. However, the first role I saw her in was a pregnant back-country girl in the movie JUNEBUG, which was mostly about a Howard Finster type of character. Amy Adams has been type-cast in my mind as a pregnant country gal. Every time I see her I will say something like JUNEBUG! Now, I learned her name more and have seen her act out completely different roles convincingly maybe next time we see her I will holler out SISTER JAMES!


  1. Thought about Netflixing "Doubt". But we don't get much chance to see the ones we have already and "Doubt" is not far up my list.

    We did see "Sunshine Cleaning" which starred Amy Adams. It is good. Recommend it. She is rally good in it.

  2. Si,
    Yeah, we saw the previews for SUNSHINE CLEANING. I want to see that too!


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