
Friday, May 22, 2009

Looking For Bobby

One conversation, sort of, that took place when we “good old boys” got together for a beer Tuesday night:

Neal: Did anybody see Bobby McXxxxxx at the Varner’s Reunion?
Me: I saw Bobby!
Other people” I saw Bobby too!
Neal: Well, I wonder why I didn’t see him?

When I saw Bobby McXxxxxx he was walking by our table while we were eating. I thought as always when we crossed paths we would pause and talk to each other… I would ask him about the latest Mustang he was rebuilding and he would say something nice about my blog.

This time he didn’t have time for that. I wasn’t in his focus. He briefly spoke and moved on.

Now I think I know why. He must have been hiding from Neal.

1 comment:

  1. Don't we all have our own agendas? We take people's actions in relation to ourselves but they are usually just bound up in their own daily concerns.


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