
Monday, March 02, 2009

I Prefer This Side of the Camera

These slides were taken the summer of 1964. The top picture is Joe Rexroad and Don Lash looking at the Hudson River, someplace between the city and West Point. I think it was taken on or near the Roosevelt Mansion.

On the same weekend trip (about 120 miles from the base) we went swimming and rope-diving at Clear Pool Camp near Carmel, New York, where my uncle was the director.

I am purposely not putting my picture up just swinging on and letting go of a rope, in mid-air. I looked something like the Great White Whale doing a flip out of water.


  1. You all were having way too much fun.

    Now tell us of the other stuff you did.

  2. I used to do that as a teenager, but into a creek. Lots of fun.

  3. Si,
    I can't do that - On some things the Statue of Limitations just doesn't run out.

    We used to do it in a creek too, before I was a teenager... we dammed up the creek. I remember one time after letting go of the rope on the way down I saw a snake swimming right where I was to make my splash in a split second. I hit the water and never saw the snake again....thank the Lord.

  4. I used the same rope (maybe) at least he same location. It was 1968.

  5. I used the same rope; well, at least the same location. It was summer 1968.


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