
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Super Bowl Saturday? Or How to get Promoted

Super Bowl Saturday?

The other day on TV on the Martha Stewart Show it was all about the Super Bowl. They were talking Super Bowl trivia and one of the guests was Matt Lauer. He said that based on the past history, one and half million people well call in sick the Monday after the Super Bowl.

Martha said she wished President Obama would do what he could to change The Super bowl to be on Saturday, then millions of dollars of man hours would be saved.

That is a thought.

But I was wondering, because the economy is so bad right now, will the million and half be a right prediction? Of that huge number a big chunk probably have already been laid off… and some, worried that their superiors are looking for an excuse to lay some off, might show up Monday with their hangovers and indigestions of too much finger foods.

It reminds me of a time the Super Bowl was to be played in New Orleans. At the Atlanta Post Office, based on history, a huge number or mail clerks and mail-handlers, was predicted to call in sick for the time of Super Bowl. The Atlanta Post Office works around the clock seven days a week.

Upper management asked one of my timekeeper co-workers to go to the Super Bowl at their expense and take names of Atlanta postal workers at the game, and when he got back they would bump his list against the list of people who called in. Lets call him Dricks.

Dricks wanted to see the Super Bowl as much as most people. He took them up and went and took names. It was no time until Dricks was promoted to our supervisor, and then a another short time until he was head of our time keeper and data collection department.

I know it isn't right for the people to call in sick to go to the Super Bowl, but I do not think it is right for a planted spy to gather information against the same pay-rate co-workers, unless is is a life or death situation, or something more serious. Of course, that is just my wild lowly blue-collar opinion.


  1. I remember my high school in Pennsylvania used to close on the first day of deer season because so many were "sick". No snow days but closed for dear season.

    A few yeas ago, went to a Circuit City a few days after the Super Bowl to look for a new TV. Found some really good buys because people would "buy" a jazzy TV right before it and then return it right after. Maybe that is why they are having troubles?

  2. Si,
    That is probably part of it - or maybe a lot of it... the spirit of it... something.


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