
Monday, January 12, 2009

Past and Future Presidents

The other day I heard on the news that in Atlanta at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library somebody broke in and stole Jimmy’s and Rosalynn’s bikes. It was interesting because the thieves had to get by very high secret service security to get those bikes.

There is a story behind the bikes also. A local bike dealer said a secret service man brought Jimmy’s and Rosalynn’s bikes in to be repaired or tuned up, or whatever. The owner said both bikes were in bad shape so he said he just gave the couple two new bikes and I think I heard in the news jabber that they cost over $1000 each. Now, he said he is trying to find a way to give them two new bikes to replace those.


I admire Jimmy Carter as much as anybody for all he has done for World Peace and Habitat For Humanity and all other things he has done for humanity. But, he gets a good retirement plus he has had several best sellers… I’m sure they are loaded and can afford their own bicycles.


Also I heard on the news that Obama will have to give up emailing while President. It was mentioned that George Bush had to also. Presidents just don’t email. They listed a bunch of practical reasons, and I don’t remember a one of them.

But it got me wondering what is/was President-Elect Obama’s email address?


  1. I haven't been to the Carter Library yet, been wanting to, have you? I heard on the news that they wanted Mr. Obama to give up his Blackberry also, but he didn't want to. Maybe he can set up a blog so he can still communicate with us little folks. I also wondered if he was going to continue the weekly presidential radio address. He was/is so into current technology, the radio is probably out, possibly a weekly U-tube address?

  2. Susan,
    Yes, we did go to the Carter Library a few years ago. Now, what we saw is just part of big blend of things. The only thing I remember is an exact scale duplication of the Oval Office.

    I believe you are on to something. Obama will probably come out with some kind of high tech technique to get his weekly "fireside Chat"... but might also have a weekly radio or tv message for those of us who are up with the latest digital gear.

  3. PS

    Because we oldies vote too.

  4. I like the idea of an Obamablog. For us little people, the great unwashed. What would he call his blog -

    Jimmy (USNA graduate) did a bunch of good things, but he was too much of a good guy. Would like to make a tour of prez libraries some time.

  5. Si,


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