
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Guns Don't Shoot People

In Jackson, Ohio, an angry 4 year old shot his baby sitter. In South Fulton County, Georgia, a 7 year old girl was shot in the face, while watching TV, by drive-by shooters.

Both the baby sitter and the 7 year old girl are expected to survive.

Are the above reason good arguments for gun control?

Of course not! Owning firearms is our Constitutional right. After all, guns don’t shoot people, people do.

Therefore, outlaw people!


  1. Assume that is Will elder.

    Was a big gun advocate and got some awards in pistol in my college days. But gave them all up as soon as our first child came. Look at the statistics. How many more kids are shot by guns in their home than rapists and robbers breaking in?

  2. Si,

    No, that is Melvin Mole. Will Elder is the artist.

    The only gun I have in the house is a water gun that I would shoot my dog with when she chased me on my riding lawnmower.

  3. Another argument is to shoot the idiots that own them to shoot their own family.

    A couple weeks before Christmas, man here took his rifle down and said he was playing with his 3-yr old son, saying "I'm gonna shoot you." He claimed he didn't know the gun was loaded, said he'd played the game w/the boy many times. (How sick is that??) The gun went off and killed the boy.

    After some digging, it appears the man was distraught after his wife died 2 years ago, lost his job, had no Christmas $, and decided he couldn't take care of his son anymore.

    Oh, but at first he told the police the child was playing with it and it went off. He didn't know how he got hold of it either. Of course a 3-yr old can climb, but how he reached into a gun rack and chose that particular Loaded shotgun, or even loaded it himself, and then was able to turn it around, barrel to his face, extend his little arms and pull the trigger--

    And now my tax $ gets to keep that man in food/shelter/healthcare. I'm writing O'Bama, this has got to change!

  4. Carolyn,
    Every day I read where someone abused their so-called right to owned fire arms.


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