
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Taking Care of Maw & Paw

I am still recuperating from my pneumonia.

If this sickness-bout has nothing else positive about it, it did teach me how to spell pneumonia. I was so bad trying to spell it I could not even get close for spell-check to figure out what I was trying to say.

Now I can spell it.

Also, while sick, I have lost 9 pounds in about 8 or 9 days.

Today Anna’s computer froze up on her and we did what usually works: turn it off and turn it back on. Then it still didn’t work so we changed batteries in her wireless mouse and her wireless key-board and it still didn’t work. She called our son Adam and he walked her though everything and had it back working in no time.

And later the doorbell rang. It was a delivery man delivering a basket of fresh fruit from Edible Arrangements. Our other son Rocky and his fiancĂ© had ordered it for me, because I am ailing. The Edible Arrangements is a basket of fresh fruit, carved to look like a colorful bouquet… bursting with color pedal shapes with stars and all. Not only was it pretty – it is very good… juicy.

The picture above doesn’t do it justice. I should have taken off the plastic cover first – then take the picture, but once the cover was off we clawed it out of shape.

We will finish it up tomorrow.

That's our boys!


  1. So, what you're saying is that pneumonia is really beneficial???

    1. you lose weight without trying
    2. you learn to spell a word
    3. you get free fruit

    Sounds like a plan to me!! Now why did I get a pneumonia shot?!

  2. Judy,
    That's right! Get pneumonia! You can't go wrong! Unless you die of course.

  3. Peanewmoanya is a rough way to lose weight. I tried it too many times with dyeyawrhea (there is another one that needs looking up) but it only works for an hour or so.

    Did you try kicking the computer? Does not work for me, either. Chosing the right words helps. Not the computer but helps me. But the best thing is what you did. Friends and family.

    And sounds like you have a great family. Ain't it grand?

  4. The fruit basket looks good, Eddie - I'm sure that you were glad to get it.

    Something else that is good - in the summer, I like plain white cake, topped with fruits only, no icing. A Mexican girl that I use to work with would bring one in ocassionally - so I call the fruit cake "Mexican Cakes" - regardless, they sure are good.

  5. I think I enjoyed the comments on this post as much as the post itself. Glad that you are recuperating.


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