
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Radio City Music Hall Born Today

On this date 76 years ago (1932) Radio City Music Hall opened at Rockefeller’s Center in New York City. It was the brainchild of John D. Rockefeller.

The old goat knew what the public wanted didn’t he?

I wonder if the Rockettes were also thought up by John D.? Dirty old man!

When I was in the Navy stationed in New Jersey we went to Radio City Music Hall. It was always a pleasure to see those long legged high kicking Rockettes do a very well choreographed number.

Several years later, Anna and I returned to New York City and went to Radio City. We stood in line to see the movie SUNFLOWER starring Sophia Loren. Her and her director/producer husband were there and walked out on stage for a bow – after the Rockettes of course, first things first.

In the Navy occasionally we would go to Murphy’s Bar on the beach not far from our base and one of the regulars was an aged positive thinking Rockette. That was her claim to fame.

Another regular was Barney a little drunk who delivered newspapers – he went by “Barney the Paper Boy” with no claim to fame.


  1. When I'm doing searches, other things always turn up. Frequently, I think, "This is something Eddie would enjoy."

    Iron Candy

    Save this one to read when the Holidays fly by and it turns cold again.

    I found this one while searching for 'Monopoly game pieces in North Carolina.'

  2. Jean,
    I used to love to read pulp detective stories - and look at the formulated pictures.
    I'll go back on a wintery day.

    Monopoly game pieces on North Carolina?

    That reminds me, my son Rocky recently proposed to his finance using a Scrabble board.


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