
Thursday, December 18, 2008

AUSTRALIA - the movie

Yesterday, we were to go to the High Museum in Atlanta to see the Chinese Terracotta Army traveling tour exhibit…. We even had an appointed time to be there.

But Anna wasn’t sure I was up to it, still recuperating from pneumonia and I still don’t have my strength fully back – so we canceled our appointment and reappointed it later.

The doctor told us for someone my age to fully regain their strength after pneumonia is from six to eight months.

So, instead we chose to go to a new theater nearby to see AUSTRALIA which was written and directed by Baz Luhmann and staring Nichole Kidman, Hugh Jackson, and a little boy who stole the show by his boyish expressions and high energy – I can’t figure out his name by looking at credits on Google.

The new theater we went to has a gimmick that will probably draw us there again. Free soft-drink and popcorn refills. It has at least six theaters…. And well, the carpet looks new too.

We were the only two in the theater for the whole movie…. that was nice and private.

I don’t think the movie should have been named AUSTRAILIA. That is like calling a movie AMERICA and only showing a small segment of America history, like three or four years.

The story-line has been the theme of many movies… good vs evil with a war looming not far away and touching everybody lives. There is also a little bit of Popeye and OliveOil(?) in it – I am talking about the old black and white Popeye cartoons where Popeye and Bluto are always fighting and OlliveOyle (?) is always whining and whimpering in the background.

I feel it was a very educational on that little segment of Australian’s history and the customs and ways of the country. When we left the theater I felt that I had learned some things. For one, I didn’t know the Japanese attacked the shores of Australia, similar to Pearl Harbor.

And another thing which was excellent was the magnificent boundless Australian scenery. I think you need to see it on a big screen to do it justice.

So, would I see it again? Maybe, do I get free popcorn refills?


  1. When you go back, if you have the whole theater to yourselves, it may not be around for the 3rd movie! I can't believe they'd show it for only 2 people, plus give free refills!

  2. Thanks for the review, I was wondering if it was any good. The theatre we go to has free refills on popcorn only if you buy the large tub to start with, which is way enough popcorn. Though I have seen people with kids get the large tub, dump it into individual brown lunch bags brought from home, and go back for a refill! Hope you continue to recover.

  3. Judy,
    Well, hopefully, business will pick up. I think this is their first week in operation and they are in a hard to find location - lonely on a newly cut road.

    I think you and your family (including granddaughters) will really enjoy it. I don't recall any scenes that could make you uncomfortable.

  4. Given how long the movie is, you probably had plenty of time to take advantage of the free refills! I went to see Cadillac Records with my parents and sister in Chicago last weekend, and the theater had the same deal. I got my free refill on the way out.

  5. Suzanne,

    I was back getting a popcorn refill before the movie even started.

    However, we like you on our Coke refill - filled it up on our way out.


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