
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

William Trammells - 2 of 'em

This is the marker for my great-g-g-grandfather William Trammell (1752 – 1843).. The marker is in the First Methodist Church Cemetery in Franklin…. Well, so is William’s remains.

William and his five brothers fought in the Revolutionary War in several big battles in South and North Carolina. In the Battle of Kings Mountain his arm was sliced off. In his elderly years after his wife Mary “Zilphia" Lynch he married Sarah Reynolds, who was in her 20s. . When he became very feeble and needed care Sarah left him. However, after he died she signed up a widow’s pension.

I took this picture this past weekend. I see that somebody tried to clean it some to make it readable. I have a post someplace on this blog the first time I tried to read it and discovered I just had to return the right time of day when the sun was in a certain position.

Here is something I noticed:
William Trammell was wounded during the Battle of Kings Mountains in the Revolutionary War that finished his military career.

His grandson William A. Trammell* was wounded during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain in the Civil War that ended his military career.

Both William Trammells were wounded during a battle that involved a mountain that had a name started with the letter K.

How’s that for “Strange But True?”

*William A. Trammell that was wounded on Kennesaw Mountain during the Civil War changed his name to William A. Hunter about two years after the war.


  1. Do you know why he changed his name?

  2. Judy,

    The bottom line is that he was involved with a killing and wanted for murder, so he skipped town and changed his name.
    His uncle, Van Trammell, about his age - people mistaken them for brothers, killed Bert Lambert, arguing over the Civil War - Bert Lambert fought for the North and Van whalloped Bert with a club or a rifle gun butt more than once killing him. Later, the sheriff asked William about the killing and he said he didn't see it, and neither did Van - they were hunting. Later that proved wrong so William was wanted for accessory to Murder.
    By the way, Jason Henderson Hunter was sued for bastardy by William's mother Rebecca Trammell and he had to pay court cost of $100 a year 0 so, William's real name really was Hunter.


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