
Friday, October 03, 2008

Review of the Sarah Palin Debate Show

First of all, I think I was wrong. I think Sarah Palin came out better than I thought she would. She smiled in a naïve cutesy way, yet she threw some hard to pronounce international leaders’ names around as if they were household words. She was good.

She threw Joe Biden a few questions to point out his conflicts with Obama and did it in an admiring way - so she said. Joe took it on the chin, unlike his opponent, and explained why he did what he did.

The naivety appearance, I think, was her way of conveying, “poor little old me, I don’t know what these inside politicians are talking about – I am just an outsider, but I know what right is right and God Bless America!” I wonder if she asked for a small U.S. flag as a prop to wave to get her point across.

I think her biggest gift was being able to dodge or avoid answering a question and make it look courageous by more or less saying she wasn’t a puppet. Right.

She was asked, either by the moderator or Bidon, about John McCain’s previous actions of promoting deregulating Wall Street’s financial world. And it was like she didn’t hear them – she insisted on talking about something else… dog! It would have been perfect if she had a little flag to wave. Bush was good at not hearing direct challenging questions too.

But she was charming, pretty, and perk. What more could you want for a Trophy Vice-President?


  1. LOL! I hear ya and I love your take! The trophy vice ;D

    Oh Lawdy help us! ;)

  2. Carolyn,
    Lawdy Miss Clawdie,
    You sure look good to me...

  3. "I think her biggest gift was being able to dodge or avoid answering a question".....I've been saying that all day long!!

    What more could I want: Someone who actually knows what is going on and WILL answer the questions (and do it well).

  4. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Mr ET, a few moons back you sent us a link to a sight where dogs can write their own blog. My master lost it on her old pooter. Could you pleese send it to her agin so we can sign up and start bloggying over there? Thanky much.


    P.s. Tell Willow I say 'woofers!'

  5. Judy,
    You are being proved right!

    (Wink!) I know your Mama!
    It is:

    When you get there, look me up. Look for Willow in Georgia.
    My self-centered paw won't let me do much because he he is always hogging the show with Chicken Fat.


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