
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Lunch at Brandi’s World Famous Hotdogs

After I got out of my North Georgia History class this morning I took my neighbor for her 87th birthday lunch at Brandi’s World Famous Hotdogs.

My neighbor had never been there but she has listened to me rave about the place. So, today I thought I would giver her a taste of what my raving was about.

When we entered I did not see the sign I have been used to seeing:

No Shoes,
No Shirt,
No Service!

Did Brandi loosen her dressing code. Nah. I think maybe the dress code is universally understood.

My neighbor sat there amazed at the down-to-earth style the place has. You just don’t see non-pretentious restaurants in Cobb County anymore…. But here one is.

The chili that goes on the hotdogs and hamburgers are sinus dripping delicious. The spicy seems to heat up your sinus cavities to the melting point. I bet it is good for colds.

I overheard Brandi tell a table with all girls that she is expecting (again) in January – or maybe she said February.

One of the girls knew one of her relatives and to listen to Brandi try to pin-point exactly who she was talking about was a hoot… naming names and how they were related, through so and so uncle, or maybe a cousin’s aunt-in-law. It sounded very complicated that only a genealogy program could straighten out.

As I was paying I asked Brandi at the cash register does she sell her chili in containers solo. Yes, for a small cup it is $2, and a larger drink-size cup it is $4, I think that is a very good price. The next time we have hotdogs left over here, I know what I am going to do.

I remember about a moth ago I dropped by for hotdogs to go, early, maybe 10:30 before there were many people there. In the back, out of sight I heard a WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Somebody was making some kind of repairs. After my hotdogs were put in to a sack somebody called for Brandi and out she comes from the area of the whamming. She was doing her old work or repairs – whatever that was.

Brandi’s clientele are mostly blue collar workers… men who work outside with their hands, girls from offices, and retirees. And, other than girls who come in groups I would just about be willing to bet 75 to 90% of them are Cobb natives.


  1. Why did you write about that? Now I need a chili dog....


  2. John,
    Everybody needs a chilidog fix from time to time.
    So, are you fixing to get a chilidog fix?

  3. John said it, didn't he? Is it legal to have hot dogs for breakfast?

    Went to the Naval Academy and we used to make "goo" for hot dogs. It is mustard with a touch of ketchup but enough black pepper to make the mustard dark. Absolutely delicious and like you said, brought fire and tears. There was a Plebe at each table designated to make it. Being the goo chef brought extra privileges. I was the one for our table. Still make it. But instead of Food Lion's black pepper, now use the crumbled dried leavings from my son's pepper crop. Some of each type but a lot of hot peppers, good enough for fire and tears. Makes it even better. Sinuses stay clear for weeks. Try it, you'll like it. Tell Brandi to include it.

  4. Si,
    I hope it is legal. I had hotdogs for breakfast, pizzas for breakfast, and other things my mind had forced out of memory.
    John is a Hunter first cousin, once removed - if he didn't have a hotdog craving every once in a while I would think he probably had a very upset stomach and couldn't eat anything.

  5. It does seem to run in the Hunter gene pool doesn't it ET?

    I have never had one for breakfast, but a "brunch" of chili dogs has been known to occur....

  6. John,
    For some reason a cold hotdog from breakfast reminds me of Kris Kristofferson's song "Sunday Morning Coming Down" where he wakes up in a boarding house with a hangover and smells somebody cooking fried chicken. I bet I know at least one Hunter that could relate to that song.

  7. Are the dogs as good as the Varsity? And where exactly is Brandi's? It sounds like a must-visit kinda place. Now I am hungry too!

  8. Susan,
    I like Varsity's dogs too, so it is hard to pick a favorite. They each stand alone in wallowing in their own goodness.
    From things you have said on your blog I think you may know Marietta. Brandi's is on the Church Street, extension, aka the Old 41, in Elizabeth just by the RR tracks before you get to Run-around-Sues and the old feed store.

    If you are driving north of Cherokee Street it will curve and merge with Church Street in front of Kennestone. Go north until you get to traffic light just before you go over the bridge that will take you to Hwy 5 to Canton and also the I-75. Turn left at the light. It is up about two or three blocks on the left.

    Or, if you ever lived in Marietta back in the 50s and 60s, you might remember Brandi's building as the Marble Inn BBQ owned by Judge Ravan.


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