
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yesterday is Pending

Yesterday was an eventful day or busy day… I think it was mostly de-eventful, using the prefix of “de” as in de-boning a chicken.

First I went to my first class this season at ELM. ELM is a continuing education kind of thing operated by the First Methodist Church in Marietta. The subject I am taking is North Georgia History. The class was limited to 10, but while sitting there I counted 10 – but wait! I didn’t count myself, so there were eleven! She said a bunch of people were turned down because of the limit size of the class. But one squeezed in after the gate was going down… which one? I wondered. Since I mailed in my registration the day I received it, I don’t think it was me.

The instructor is a lady that used to write for the Dalton Daily Citizen. She moved to Dalton with her husband when he was transferred to one of the carpet mills in Dalton.. She is originally from New Jersey.

A yankee teaching about history about North Georgia – that seems strange doesn’t it?

But maybe it is not so strange. I have a theory that people on the outside looking in can tell you more about the people in, as a whole, than they can themselves…. It is sort of like you can not see the forest for the trees.

When you are on the outside you can see group eccentricities and trends clearer than members of the group – make sense? I think that is one of the reasons people with accents make excellent marketers.

Her main topic was Rome, Martha Berry, and Martha Berry, which I thought she gave a very good lecture, interacting style. Next week it will be Dalton and the Chenille (?) bedspreads and carpet manufacturing which I am sure she has some inside information.

She also went on and on about how rich Georgia’s history is between 1800 and 1900 – it has it all she said. I think she is right.

While I was gone Jason the carpenter worked on the cabinets and the counters. The plan is to replace the cabinet doors and replace the counter.

He has a huge plastic tent over the kitchen area which keeps the dust from flying, the glue smell for driving us crazy, and all…. But how does he not go crazy from sniffing the glue?

I think Jason is a contractor of big organization that we made the deal with.

I looked out the window and I saw another car in our driveway. Then, a few minutes later a black Caddy SV pulled up and a man got out that was no technician or carpenter. He was in a very well tailored suit. I thought something of up. Jason ran into a problem and contacted the company. They talked to Jason for a while… well, a long time. Then the man in the suit came out from the plastic tent to have a talk with us.

Jason ran into a problem. Which is too complex to explain here, as if I understood it enough to understand. And the options to fix it all are even more complex. It has all to do with when Jason took off the old counter top the cabinet frame underneath cannot meet the countertop that was already tailored made.

So, the man in the caddy is going back to his office and try to figure out a solution.

As I said, we got de-railed, de-boned; filleted ; our turn in the barrel…. Etc.


  1. I think you are right that an outsider can sum up and area better than a native can. That is only true after the outsider has become an insider, but living there for 10+ years.

    Sorry about the kitchen. I hope they can cure the problem easily.


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