
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Cave Almost Forgotten

These are pictures of the inside of a cave in north Georgia. I have been to this cave a few times long ago. the pictures reminded me of some its traits that I thought was out of my memory forever. I think it is amazing from seeing a pile of rocks or a dip or a slope and I know exactly what is just outside the picture... or was, anyway.

I want to thank Kevin Glenn, who took the pictures and sharing them. Kevin is one of the resource managers of the cave which is managed by the National Speleological Society.

The whole rural area surrounding the cave was not much more than a garbage dump where people dumped their old cars and garbage. And inside the gave vandals and graffiti artists did their damage as well. Thanks to Kevin and his group the place is looking much better now. Which to quote Mammy Yokum, "Better is Gooder".

But the down side is that the cave is no longer opened to the public. We proved we are too abusive to get near the place.

Above: The main entrance on the outside.

(remember, click on the pictures to make them more breath taking)

The main entrance a few steps in.

Another shot a few feet in the main entrance looking down.

Deep inside the main entrance. See the little fellow almost in the center of picture? That give you an idea how big the room in.

The Big Room.


Broken Formations, probably souvenirs.


  1. That looks like a good place to explore. When I was a kid, a bunch of kids found a small cave near our home, and we used to play "caveman" there. I wish I had taken photos of it.

  2. Judy,
    When my mother was growing up in north Georgia in Murray County there was a cave on their farm. All the kids explored it to a certain point, then some of the older brothers further. In one of the little avenues or rooms they found some Indian stuff.
    Unfortunately, their father sold some granite to the highway department and to get they had to dynamite, which sealed the entrance, probably forever.

  3. Eddie,

    Mr. Glenn sent you some great pictures. It's too bad the public can no longer visit there. I was wondering if he (Glenn) has a web site?

  4. Hi, sorry I don't have a website, asides from a myspace site, but that is about my music, and not caving.

    It is a shame that we had to close down the cave, but it was just being destroyed, and with it, much history. On the other hand, there are hundreds and hundreds of caves within a short drive of Atlanta. The trick is finding them, and us cavers are a secretive bunch, for good reason: we don't like seeing such places of beauty destroyed by irresponsible and inexperienced people. If you or anyone is interested, the Dogwood City Grotto of the NSS is a good place to start. The NSS has a wonderful website too with information on how to get involved if you are so inclined.
    Thanks for the nice words about the pictures too:)

  5. Kev,

    I understand.

    I think you are doing a great job protecting the cave and the surrounding area.


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