
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Other things we noticed on the 4th.

Near our sitting place watching the parade there was a grandmother there along with her son or daughter, and their his or her spouse and grandchildren. During most of the parade she was very kind and considerate and had a very motherly smiled. Then Obama’s group came by and she jumped up and down and hooted and hollered and cheered. Her son or daughter and his or her spouse kind of nervously looked embarrassedly around, knowing they were in the middle of Republicans. The old lady had balls, good for her.

Later in the evening we went to Williamson Brother’s Barbecue. You could tell by the amount of cars it was crowded. We put our name in with the hostess and we were told it would be about a twenty minute wait. Well, we are not ones to wait at a restaurant like that, but there are exceptions: It was getting late, and after all, BBQ on the 4th is something we traditionally do. So, we waited with the many other people.

Outside was a young man in a tuxedo. Inside, people were standing and sitting around. On a bench was a young lady dressed in a white wedding gown.

In not too long of a time their name was called. I bet it was the first time the bride heard them addressed as a couple. I saw them at a table ordering. No lavish $10,000 wedding reception for them… but I bet it will be remembered just the same.


  1. A lot of brides are scrimping these days.

  2. Judy,

    With the U.S. with a 50% divorce rate, I don't blame them.


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