
Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Today I will have to hit the floor running.

Wait. I am already up and I did not hit the floor running. I kind crawled out of bed in a stupor. First, let me drink a couple cups of coffee – then I will run.

In the morning, hopefully fairly early, a tree cutting company will come and do some cutting. In one of our tall trees in the back, about 70 feet up a huge limb collapsed during a storm a couple weeks ago. It landed on another tree and squashed it. And to top things off the huge limb is not severed from the trunk of the tree. So, one of the adventurous tree men will have to climb way up and chop that baby off from its mama…. But I think they will cut up the smaller tree the end of the big limb is resting on… or maybe they would want to first cut down the limb then go chain-saw crazy.

They have a job to cut down a big oak tree before they come here. They owner told me they should be here by late morning.

Today is Wednesday, which is Senior Citizens Day at the grocery stores. Can I do my exercise then rush to the grocery store and rush back before they arrive. I might ask myself, “Am I feeling lucky? Do I think they will run late like all contractors do? What’s it gonna be Punk?”


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    That picture reminds me that I have a Howdy Doody string puppet that looks very similar. I have owned it for at least 50 years. It may finally be worth something. Ebay here I come!

  2. Skip,
    I bet a HD dummy will bring a fine price on ebay.
    I have HD on the brain this week. Anna bought a DVD of some of HD & Buffalo Bob's shows at Walmart for a buck and gave it to me on Father's Day.
    I watched two of the four episodes and they are genuine corny funny - Clara Belle is an excellent mime.


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