
Friday, May 02, 2008

The Flock Has Flocked

Yesterday morning while on our walk I heard honking overhead. I looked up and there was a single Canadian goose high up flying solo. It was not in a triangle flock. I thought, somehow it got departed from its other fellow travelers and now it is confused and doesn’t know which way to go. How sad.

About 30 minutes later Willow and I were walking on a newly cut street in a not-yet subdivision and still walking when again I heard lonely honking. I looked up in the sky expecting to see another lonely goose but one wasn’t there.

My eyes followed the sad honking sound and found it. It was floating around in a fenced-in holding pond. Somehow he lost his fine feathered flock fellow travelers – and he was in despair too.

Was it the same Canadian Goose? I don’t think so. The one flying was going in a different direction.

It seemed strange they were both left behind. Then I got it!… maybe they were really “left behind” – I mean, really “left behind” – get what I am trying to say?

Who says God’s “chosen ones” have to be humans?

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