
Monday, April 07, 2008


This is Anna’s grandmother Irene. In 1936 her husband Paul died leaving her with 4 young children to raise and feed.

She did an excellent job. She cared for children and was very crafty in making do with what they had and taught her children the same. It was during the depression.

She also kept children and had various other jobs. Before her husband had died, she went with him enough on visits to people homes to repair Singer Sewing Machines she picked up the tool box and went to people’s homes to fix their sewing machines.

She was a hard worker.

When I entered the picture all four of her children were grown with and established. She seemed to always be in a good mood.


  1. You bring over and over the wish that I had the phtographs, organization, and memory of my forefathers - and foremothers - that you do.

  2. Si,
    I have a terrible memory. My retention rate is very low I'm sure. However - I do have Word, MS Photo Editor and do have two genealogy programs. When I receive some information I put it in the software that fits the information before I forget it... which often I don't reach my computer in time.

  3. Si,
    I didn't say what I started out to say - see how bad my retention is? Quickly, before I forget again! My mother-in-law deserves credit for many of these old pictures - on Anna's side, she is the main source. On my side, I beg, borrow, and steal a little here and a little there.


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