
Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Morning - Marietta Goes Insane

Willow and I went for our routine walk this morning.

I was somewhat amazed that a very long procession of cars were driving through our neighborhood. Was it a 7am funeral procession? That was the only logical explanation I could think of. Usually we see maybe two or three cars in motion during our morning walk, if we don't leave our neighborhood. More cars kept coming. Then I finally figured out, they were being detoured into our subdivision.

We followed the source of the steam of traffic. Just before we got to the intersection that is the subdivision entrance, on a hill, we were overlooking Sandy Plains Road. Emergency lights flashing were all over the road. Cop cars, fire trucks, backed up traffic, crowds of people standing... and just across the road was a huge new McMansion in full blaze. The roof was nearly gone with giant flames dancing around - it reminded me of Bart Simpson's head. Smoked was bellowing out - lack of a better word.

The McMansion that was burning is/was the first of three in a row on Sandy Plains Road. Before in the same place, were three old "shot-gun" houses. The middle of the Shot-gun houses had an armored knight suit standing on the front porch, and the first one, the one that was burning had a unchained dog that always barked fiercely at us, and one time with our late dog Brandy when we walked on the other side of the road it came out barking at us and was ran over and killed.

I rather have had that dog still barking and growlling at us than the beautiful pretentious McMansions.

We walked back home to get my camera. Then on the way back Willow felt nature calling, so she took a dump. I pulled out my plastic bags and scoop it up, but I didn't want to walk that far and then back home carrying a bag of dog shit, so we went back home.

I went out to buy a Wrap from Burger King. I cannot resist a new commercial's "come on".

Because of the fire, no matter which way I turned, there was backed up traffic. I changed my mind on various routes several times and turned around. It was like whole East Cobb had suddenly gone bananas.

I came in our subdivision through the back roads. When I turned onto Bryant Lane the traffic was backed up out of sight facing me, but the road was clean in front of me. As I was driving past the cars standing still a hand was waving. I stopped and an elderly lady told me I couldn't get out on Sandy Plains Road, there is a house on fire.

I said I know, and I live in the subdivision right down there (pointing). She looked at me like I was crazy and rolled up her window.

She didn't recognize me. She lives three houses away from me. Twice, on my walks we have talked over 5 or 10 minutes each time. Now, she looked me blankly in the face like she had never seen me before - which, in her memory, she hasn't.

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