
Thursday, March 06, 2008

Springtime, Atlanta postcard

Remember: to bring out the best in these postcards, click on them.

With Spring upon us this card might be appropriate.

The back of it says: The richness of the beautiful pink dogwood covers the landscape along a street in Atlanta.

I know what street it is on. I have passed this driveway many times. It is on West Paces Ferry Road, just down the road from the Governor’s Mansion.

Across the street from the driveway is the mansion filmed as the Rhett and Scarlett’s mansion in “Gone With The Wind”


  1. Raleigh has a lot of trees that bloom in the spring; from dogwoods, to cherry trees to Bradford pears and red buds. This is a gorgeous place to be in the spring, as is Atlanta.

  2. Judy,
    Y'all have the same trees blossoming in the springtime as Atlanta. Who needs Paris when we have Raleigh and Atlanta in the Springtime?

  3. The wealth of stuff you must have. Every time I come by to see what you have for the last few days, there are pictures of places, houses, relatives, etc. I have a couple of footlockers of just my children that deperately need cataloging. How do you keep track of all of yours?

  4. Si,
    "The wealth of stuff you must have." is another way of saying, "are you a pack rat or something?"

    I have most of my family pictures I have collected and shot through the years pretty much sorted, but a few weeks ago we tackled the basement and I ended up with two pickup truck loads going to the Goodwill and about an equal amount to throw away. Parting with each item was hard to do. And I still have more to do, which I am slowly going through, scanning some and then throwing them away.
    My postcards I collected over the years were in about 3 different places in the house. After I gathered them all together they filled up a large boot box - but again, among the cards are some duplicates... like my g-g-g-grandfather John Hunter's cabin...every time we went to Union County I bought a few more.
    I'm doing now what you said you disparately need to do - cataloging.

  5. There was lots of digging happening on that property, in and around that gorgeous driveway last winter. I hope they didn't remove all those stunning trees. I'll have to drive by and take a look to see what they did.

    There is nothing like springtime in Atlanta!

  6. Jane,
    I don't remember riding by there since before Christmas... I hope they didn't mess up those beautiful pink dogwoods.
    You are right, there is nothing like springtime in Atlanta. I sneeze even thinking about it.
    Not really! I make a point of taking a table spoon of locally produced honey a few times and it keeps my sneezes to a minimum.

  7. Pretty postcard - and a pretty section of Atlanta. There are always pretty christmas lights and decorations there too.

    Speaking of Scarlett and Rhett's house, I drool just thinking of that dark red carpet and those dark red drapes - and the stair case - so pretty! Scandously so!

  8. Deborah,
    Scandalously so? Aruba!
    I don't know why, but someplace or another I saw that you holler Aruba! when you say Scandalously - it might have been from the play "The Fantasticks".

  9. I'm seeing dogwood blossoms cracking open here and redbuds have already bloomed and some brave azalea blossoms didn't hear that we expect 29 degrees Saturday night after the storm moves through.

    If it's true what I read, that spring travels north 15miles a day, spring will arrive at your place in about 2 more weeks and we'll be in full flower here.

  10. Jean,
    Spring travels 15 miles north a day huh? I don't doubt it.


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