
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Religious Nuts

Sunday here in Marietta the Temple Kol Emeth had funeral services for murdered Auburn University freshman Lauren Burk. Her murder made national headlines.

Outside the Temple were members of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, protesting. Westboro Baptists are a fundamentalist group of nuts. Why did they protest the funeral, to let her parents lay their child to rest? I don’t know. What they said that was in the paper made no logic to me, so I am not going to promote their whines.

The group has protested funerals of gays and more recently American soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. How disrespectful!

It goes to show, once again, that all religions have their fundamental radical nuts – the Muslims do have not a monopoly on that kind of group.


  1. There is special place in Hell for these creeps. I often say that the greatest blasphemy there is to not use the beautiful brain that God and Mother Nature gave us.

  2. Si,
    I think any point of view one decides to take he/she can find something in Bible to back it up.

  3. That makes me so angry I am spitting.

  4. Suzanne,
    Now, now. Count to 10.


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