
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This is my first cousin (on my mother’s side) Anthony. I estimate that the picture was taken about 1950.

Anthony is a retired Deputy Sheriff. Not long ago every time a murder happened in Cobb County when the news stations from Atlanta arrived Anthony’s shiny bald head would be on TV. He was the evidence technician (I’m sure it goes by another name). He took the pictures and gathered up the evidence at the murder scene.

I happened to think yesterday that it has been about a year since his wife Martha died. I looked on my genealogy program and I was close. She died March 16, 2007.

Since her funeral the few times I have talked to him on the phone or ran into him someplace he was living in misery, missing her so much – and I would think on her death anniversary it didn’t get any better.


  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    When I retired as a civilian employee in the Sheriff's Dept. Anthony left a year or two earlier than I did. I think he retired as a Major. He was well respected for his knowledge and his compassion for others, and his wit could not be matched by anyone. He can say some of the funniest twist on thing I have ever heard. I remember growing up when we would visit your family, sometimes Anthony would be there. As a little tyke he was into everything. I can only imagine how he feels losing his mate. Anthony is a good man.

  2. Johnny,

    Yes, you are right. He had compassion and had a wit to match. Thanks - he is a good man. But so are all my other male first cousins.

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Hey Guys,

    Is that Anthony R. who went to Waterman Street and MHS? I know Anthony R. was a deputy. We were good friends in our younger years.

    The guy I knew always had a great since of humor and a good attitude.

  4. Skip,
    You are right, Anthony went to Waterman Street School and to confirm it even more, I bet at one time or another you called him "Mole".

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    That's him! Yeh, that is the Anthony I knew. We lost contact in High School but I did see him later on in his uniform and we talked for a few.
    He and I got in trouble a few times for laughing out loud in class and in the lunchroom at Waterman. For some reason he could always crack me up.
    Strange what one remembes about old friends. If I remember correctly in the first grade Anthony showed me a scar where he had his appendix out. At my age, I had not known anyone to have surgery. He was a little guy then and it was a large scar. I hope Anthony is well these days.

  6. Skip,
    Anthony has a very good wit - he can bring out something profound and ironic in the same incident - or put into words something funny and deep about it all.
    I just tried calling him about that scar - I don't remember it.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Please let me know if my memory has failed me again. Also, if he has an email address, I would like to tell him Hi. Thanks


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