
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tale From the Basement

Above is a postcard of the Cyclorama – Battle of Atlanta-July 22, 1864. That was when Sherman burned Atlanta, which was a month before he ripped Marietta a new asshole Sherman showed no mercy, unless you were a Mason or possibly if you were a member of the “polite society”. I came across the postcard and a big bunch of others in a drawer downstairs, I guess it is an auxiliary or annex of my main postcard collection.

I’ll have to do a blog on the Cyclorama sometime. It really is an interesting place, right next to the Atlanta Zoo, both on the property of Grant Park in Atlanta.

For the past two days we have been straightening out the basement.

I carried two pickup truck loads of clothes, books, and other stuff to a Goodwill type place. One man's junk might be another man's treasurers, if the price is right. And we get to deduct a fair amount for taxes - the Goodwill-type place will get their cut - Everybody Wins!!!

Hoorah for America!

While going through various stuff, I came across things I forgot I had; other things I have looked for and couldn’t fine – and many old post cards I forgot I had.

We decided to part company with many books that we feel we no longer need, such as most of James Michener’s books…. But we just could part with his ALASKA and SPORTS IN AMERICA. ALASKA is the book we are studying for our Alaska trip someday, and SPORTS IN AMERICA is just a good study of the jock and egomaniac force – that I may want to look something up in someday or refer to a certain part.

Also, working in the basement meant there was no time preparing meals. We ate Mexican and Italian.

Now, I say “Si!” a lot.


  1. Can you two come up here and do my attic, my office and my garage? It sounds as if you are proficient at it.....LOL

  2. Judy,
    Not me. Anna is proficient at it.. and heartless when it comes to throwing away.
    She spent much of her time the past two days putting things back in the "get rid of pile" after I took them back out to keep. It was a vicious circle.... not really.

  3. I just paid a dollar for Michener's two volumes of 'Texas.' When I got home, I decided to read vol. 2 first. I am not going to sit down and read all the way through. I'm reading little bits at a time.

    We need an outside party to come and have what Mama used to call a "Throwing Away" here. Nobody here is prone to discarding.

  4. Jean,
    And I just both volumes of TEXAS by JM away!
    Another JM book I kept that I hope to go back and finish reading someday is CHESAPEAKE.

  5. I only read Centennial, which was pretty good, although probably didn't need to start with the Big Bang.

    Near my husband's former office, there is a statue of the Angel of Death leading Sherman into battle.

  6. Suzanne,
    If you ever happen to be near the Angel of Death and you have your camera on you and think about, I sure would love to have a picture of that - maybe I can find the sweet angel on Google.
    I bet Sherman was facing South - right?
    I read some someplace that military statues are erected to face their enemy.

  7. Anonymous2:29 PM

    That damn Sherman- bastard shot at like-----6 or 7 of my great great great uncles and great great great Grandaddy Hipster!

    The kids rave about the cyclorama.

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Michener also wrote a fine non-fiction book about Kent State.

  9. Steve,
    Dija you know The Texas (or The Texan) that was the chaser in The Great Locomotive Chase chasing The General is in the lobby of The Cyclorama?

    Yeah, that's right! I forgot about Kent State.

  10. Yes! I'm pretty sure that the statue is facing south. I'll swing by and grab a picture for you. No problem, although I may wait until it is a bit warmer...

  11. Suzanne,
    Thanks! But after you told me about that, I went googling and found the Angel of Death leading Sherman's statue and snatched the picture.

  12. Did anyone see the documentary that the History Channel did on Sherman?

    I don't recall that it mentioned the Roswell and Manchester Mill incidents.

  13. Deborah,
    I don't remember seeing it on the History Channel, but it happened to the Roswell women. It also happened to the Sweet Water Mill women and also to the Soaks Creek Mill women (where the covered bridge used to be).


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