
Monday, February 25, 2008

Harvey Kurtzman - His Comicbook Art

In the MARVEL VAULT book, that I received for Christmas, I came across the above yesterday. It is by my old hero Harvey Kurtzman.

When Kurtzman was trying to get his foot in the comicbook publishing world, so to speak, Stan Lee gave him a helping hand (which I’m sure gave himself a helping hand as well) by having him do things like the above, and the Hey Look! Series in Marvel Comics, which were later reprinted in MAD comicbooks:

Harvey Kurtzman true calling came as a an editor of the visual publishing world. Every word in the first 23 issues of MAD and most of his war comics FRONTLINE COMBAT and TWO-FISTED TALES were his words.

I was going to show a samplings of more of his work, but that would be a pretty big chunk to bite off. More than I can chew.

His comic book covers have a boldness that is hard to describe. Below are some comicbook covers that he did the illustrations; all EC publications:

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