
Monday, January 14, 2008

Richard Outcault Born today

According to the History Channel page-a-day calendar, Richard Outcault was born this day in 1863. His comics was the first to appear in color in a Sunday's newspaper, in 1894, which was The New York World.

He drew Hogan's Alley (above) and Buster Brown.

Richard may have unknowingly changed our life styles in a small way. Can you imagine NOT having Sunday color funnies to read every week?


  1. That's good drawing - look at the faces of the kids and even the dog and goat. I cannot imagine life without the comics (or cartoons). There's four things that will never disappear - comics, cartoons, superheros and monsters.

    ...Given that Japenese comics and cartoons are popular, I was wondering...was Ultraman ever a magazine superhero?

    (I can hear everybody laughing, but yes I use to watch Ultraman. I had a crush on Hihata.)

  2. Deborah,
    Yes, it appears (literally) that the Japanese go in for comics in a big way. Not long ago I was looking at the graphic novels section of Books A-Million Bookstore and they had at least 30 graphic novels made by the Japanese. I haven't got into those. I enjoy the graphic novels by Will Eisner (who used to have a newspaper comic strip about THE SPIRIT in the 1940s.
    Ultraman? - you got me.
    As far as Superheros I am out of my league when you go beyond Captain Marvel, Superman, Plastic Man, The Spirit, and Spiderman.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Eddie,

    Deleted the above comment, for some reason, a few of my links were not working correctly - must be a blogger thing today..

    Anyway, I did a little search on the net and what I found was interesting.

    There were actually three Ultraman's.

    The Japanese version of Ultraman was never a comic (at least as far as I can tell) but went on to prosper in video games and such.

    Japanese Ultraman

    Japanese Ultraman Action Figure and DVD's

    There was also an Ultraman that was a character created by DC Comics. This Ultraman was the evil supervillian counterpart of Superman.

    Ultraman Comics

    *Note - should this link not work, you can access it by way of the link above to Ultraman. At top of page, click on Ultraman (disambiguation) and then click on Ultraman (comics) - D C Comics.*

    And finally there was Gary Concord, a father/son character that was created by All American Publications. Note that Gary Concord was refered to as Ultra-Man, not Ultraman.

    Gary Concord, Ultra-Man

    This link to Comicvine farther discusses the Ultraman's:

    I guess I'm a little too young to know anything but the Japanese version. So much to Hayata, his beta capsule, and The Science Patrol!!


  5. Deborah,
    You know, I am not even sure I was aware of Ultraman until today.
    You learn something new everyday is my motto.
    Ultraman meets Ultrareseacher (you).

  6. :)

    In turn I learned about Richard Outcault. I'll have to research him tomorrow afternoon. I'll probably like his work.

  7. Yes, I can imagine it. My newspaper - the NY Times - doesn't have comix. :(

  8. Suzanne,
    I forgot about the NY Times. You got me.


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