
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Morning Walk

This shrine with all the changing of the seasons and the flowers being changed of the book LOVELY BONES by Alice Sebold.

The reason I photographed this site again is because of the pink sign to drive carefully. Kayla did not drive carefully and she got killed on this spot. If any good came of this it is this sign warning others. It just might save some lives.

Thursday morning it was cold and windy when Willow and I went for our walk. The day before it was windy also. I decided if I wanted to share some pretty leaves with y’all I had better carry my camera along – with the wind it may be my last chance.

The route I thought would be the most eye pleasing is a three mile walk. It is going around some country blocks. We leave the house going north, and make a loop eastward, then return to the house also going north.

Ironically, the pond, the horse farm with the white fence, and the two lakes are less than 2 tenths of a mile from my house – as the crow would fly. But, we aren’t crows. We have to walk around very long blocks, the pond, which is closest to my house is about 1.1 miles away, via the a two subdivision street and road.

This is a nice lake to look at as you walk by. Sometimes there is a blue heron perched high in a tree waiting for a fish to surface, and sometimes a big turtle is sunning on the log halfway out of the water.

The first church is a Greek Orthodox Church. Out front they have a sign saying Tuesdays – Greek Food, Drive Through. Every time I walk by I make a mental note to do that the next Tuesday, then promptly forget.

Except the Memorial cross shrine of Kayla Gattis site all the other pictures are lined up, next door to each other.

The other bigger pond or small lake is a hosting area of traveling Canadian Geese that I have mentioned from time to time. The owner before the owner now owned a building supply company. His son is a big time auto racer. One times two of their cows wandered through a security breach in the fence and hung out in our yard for a couple of hours until they could be rounded up.

The last church is a Latter Day Saint Church (LDS; Mormon). I go there occasionally to do family research.

Behind the LDS Church is a parking lot and behind the parking lot is a little break or picnic area. While I was trying to photograph this a hawk swooped down to grab a squirrel and Willow tried to get in on the action too. Mr. Squirrel get away without a scratch, Mr. Hawk had to look elsewhere for a meal, and Willow looked up at me.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla did not drive carefully and the got killed on this spot.

    Eddie, you are utterly hilarious.


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