
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 Anniversary

This is not an anniversary that you celebrate. It is an anniversary you morn for the ones that fell. The only Americans that would have reason to celebrate are head honchos at the White House and the Board of Directors of the Halliburton Corporation. They are the only ones that gained monetarily and the public trust over the ordeal.

And we keep a war going on terrorists – but not in the countries the original 9/11 terrorists infested. Make sense?

No, but it does clear the way for a nice pipeline.


  1. Button,
    As Bush might sing when he imitates Tina Turner" "What's truth got to do with it?"

  2. Here in NYC, I am getting annoyed by the continued pomp and circumstance on 9/11. I think it is time to stop using the site for political gain (meaning: no more ceremonies until the 10th anniversary) and let people process the events of that horrible day on their own.

  3. Suzanne,
    I agree, in a way. But I may feel differently if I lost a loved on that day.
    It seems to me pomp and circumstance fan-fare is most always gaudy and tasteless.


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