
Sunday, August 26, 2007

More Ados From Across the Street

As I said before, there is never a dull moment across the street.

And this is good therapy for to sit down and type out my feelings. However, you may be saying, "That's good for you but what do I get out of it?" Maybe pleasure seeing someone suffer and glad it is not you? Pity? I don't know.

Last weekend Joe acquired a Wrangler red jeep. I wouldn’t say he “bought” the jeep, although he may have, but for now he possesses it anyway.

The jeep either does not have a muffler or it is not on correctly – the loud unmuffled engine sounds like an engine at a carnival.

It is a convertible jeep that you can manually remove the top and fold it up. Joe prefers to have the top off. At one point he took off the two doors and leaned them against the house to join other things leaning or close to the house. I think it probably looks cooler to have the doors off – kind of like your ball cap on backwards. But now, the doors are back on. Maybe that is a safety hazard if the shotgun rider is holding a baby – especially the way Joe like to squeal his tires around curves.

Just after Joe got the jeep while I was out cooking on the grill I heard Joe talking loudly in a hollering fashion. He reminded of the Baptist preachers that used to be AM radio… hollering and gasping for breath between sentences. He was hollering at his baby’s mama. She was sitting not saying a word.

I imagine she may have said something like, “Good you got a jeep, now you can carry me to work!” And he hit the roof. She got a job at McDonald’s about 1.5 miles away and I suppose sometimes she had to walk to work. Joe has no job.

Now, with a jeep, hauling his mate back and forth to work would certainly take up fun time in the jeep.

After he hollered at her a while he hopped in his jeep and rode around the block and stopped two doors down and tooted his horn. His friend came out and he came him a squealing ride.

Yesterday my neighbor Jim called me and told me the hummingbirds are at their height of populating the area. I looked out the window while he was talking and sure ‘nuff, a saw a hummingbird dart of in an oak tree and another hummingbird at one of our hb feeders.

Then Jim went on to say, “Did you see the ruckus this morning?”

No, I didn’t, what?

Joe and his mate got into an argument out in front of the house. Soon they were going at it physically, Joe got her in a headlock and dragged her inside the house. Moments later the mate came storming out with her pocketbook. He lounged out of the house after he, literally picked her up (she is a short person) and totted her back into the house with her kicking and screaming.

In the process she dropped her pocketbook. Joe came out and got the pocketbook and went through it, looking at everything in it.

I wonder if this had anything to do with a visit from the case worker the day before. I was cutting grass and the case worker was there. I saw her get out of her car and go in. During the time she was there a pickup truck drove up and sat there. The mate came out and got into the truck for a second and got back out and went back into the house. Then, several minutes later she came back out and got into the truck again. A girl about her age was behind the wheel.

I wonder if they enjoying a joint why the case working was doing her paperwork?

Jim asked me if I had seen the baby lately and I said no – not that I recall. He said a friend of the mate’s mother reported her as being a neglected parent and they were trying to find out who reported them so they could kick their blankity blank. But Jim suspected the authorities took the baby away.

Jim also said the next time he saw violence over there he was going to call the cops, as far as he knew the baby was still there and could be in danger. I told him I agreed, I would do the same.

The latest – this morning at daybreak: We have tire skids on our front lawn. A bunch of cars gathered across the street last night, it looks like one of them wanted to make a statement when they left.

All things come to an end. I am trying to be patient.


  1. Sometimes the story ends in disaster. Here's Joe's story, played out in yet another town on a different day.

    A Violent End

    I hope your neighbors just pack up and move.

  2. Jean,
    Joe is 16 years old. They have lived there since he was a baby. They are not going anywhere unless it is to the slammer, which is where Joe's father is now.
    Suicide? Gads!

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Here Ed, this ought to cheer you up (or piss you off).

  4. Steve,
    After 4 tries I finally linked up. I thought nosiness came with age.
    But, on the other hand voyeurism has been a habit of mine since I could crawl.

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I am but the student, you are the master.

    Sorry about Bubba and 'em grassing you.

  6. Steve,
    I looked out my office window just now and I think that jeep has a roll bar and Joe and a friend is sitting on the rollbar above the jeep and two people are leaning against the jeep, one is the mate, and they are carrying on a conversation. Composure-wise, I see the possibility of a pretty good picture.

  7. Well, Joe's tranformation into his dad now seems complete. But I guess the fact that he was headed that way was a forgone conclusion long ago.

    Hopefully Melissa keeps her act together.

  8. Button,
    Yes, I agree. I think Melissa is that family's only hope. By the way, I heard through the grapevine she is taking off from college until the fist of the year. I hope she goes back. She told me not long ago that she wants to be a doctor. Good for her.


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