
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Down Home at Old South BBQ

Friday we were in nearby Smyrna. The center of Smyrna’s downtown is about 5 miles south of Marietta’s downtown. Going to Smyrna is not what one would call going on a trip.

While there we ate at Old South Barbecue Restaurant. Old South will be 40 years old soon. Just after we were married we moved to Smyrna and within a short time Old South opened. It is in the neighborhood of plenty of smaller houses, probably what would be called starter houses today. In such a neighborhood meant a lot of neighborhood kids. I was amazed that while we was eating our meal different kids would drift in, walk over to the Coke dispenser and pout them a drink and run back out without saying anything.

One time for New Years Day Anna and I wanted black eye peas, greens, hog jowl, and cornbread. We called around to various restaurants asking if they were serving the tradition and I think only Old South came through.

Fairly recently I read on their website about the mama and pappa who started the business and now they have passed on and their children and their extended family runs the business.

Every time we have eaten there were cops and firemen there. Now, it has extended to the emergency crew too.

Their barbecue is deliciously smoked. The others items are typical country cooking kind of food.

When we arrived, about noon the other day in the front of back there was not a parking place. Just as we were about to leave, in front, a car pulled out, we pulled in. We were in front of the entrance door. A flip-style sign was hanging on the door’s window saying, “Closed. Sorry, please come again!”

That didn’t make sense. I saw people in the windows eating. I said that maybe they are having a private party. Two policeman came out the door putting toothpicks in their mouths.

We went in, just to see if they were opened or not. The cashier said, a big smiley happy “Hi! – go find yourself a place wherever you can.”

I asked them were they closed. She laughed and said if they were they forgot to tell her.

I said the closed sign was on the door. She said, “Oh, I forgot to flip that thing around again!”

Evidently we were the first to notice it.

We found us a table. It was next to a table full of military officers. The drink lady (family member) got our drinks for us. I overhead the waitress happily tell a table of two working men, probably construction, that “Everything is fantastic!”

Anna and I went over and over the menu trying to decide what to get… and while she was talking I think I may have lost tract and started watching some people close by.
The waitress came by for our orders. Anna gave her order and while she was talking I noticed a woman in the next room, but within eye-shot, that had a very low-cut and her boobs were too erect looking. I was wondering if she was wearing a Victoria’s Secret Bra or something… if so, you couldn’t tell it.

Then the waitress asked me what I wanted, I said a bbq port sandwich. Anna interrupted and me said, “You know I ordered a plate don’t you?” No, I was looking at tits.

So, I ordered a plate too. She asked “Pulled or chop?”

I said “chop”. Anna asked me was I sure, I always ordered pulled and she always ordered chopped. I said, “Ok, pulled.”

The waitress laughed and said to Anna, “Why don’t you order for him? You know what he wants more than he does.”

They still have that same down-hominess they had almost 40 years ago. I felt like taking off my shoes and making myself at home.


  1. If I ever make it to Smyrna, I know where to eat!

  2. Judy,
    Yep, and if you ever make it to Marietta there is Brandi's Famous Hot Dog.


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