
Monday, July 30, 2007

Fouts Family Cemetery, Macon County, NC

2 Cemeteries

Click on the pictures to make them larger. After you click on the picture above you can see why I named this picture “2 Graveyards”. On top of the hill we are standing is the Fouts Cemetery, and in the background in the valley is an auto junk yard.

The Fouts cemetery is just a couple miles north of Franklin in the Burningtown community. It is a beautiful area of rolling hills and small farms.

Some of my Ray ancestors’ children, male and female, married into the Fouts family. Chances are if I was to run into a Ray or a Fouts in Franklin, North Carolina, I would be a distant cousin to that person.

David Clingman Fouts is my first cousin, twice removed. He was a farmer and storekeeper.

J.R. Fouts. He is not listed in my genealogy records. I thought he has a unique marker.

John Harvey Fouts. He fought for the CSA in the War Between the States. His wife was my great grand aunt, Rebecca Ray. In the war John was a POW confined to Camp Chase, Ohio. Here is what I have on him in my notes:
John was a "carpenter of unusual ability, a great hunter and marksman that earned the respect and admiration of the Indians" And lived "all of his life side by side with the Cherokees"

And also, you can see the mysterious black ghost that keeps following behind me in cemeteries.

Joseph Fouts was a son of John Harvey and Rebecca Ray Fouts. He was my first cousin, twice removed.

Thomas Bragg Fouts is the same kin as Joseph Fouts, they are brothers. Thomas married Elizabeth Roland, a Trammell relative. Also Justice of the Peace Posey C. Wild married them. Posey was a war buddy with my great-grandfather William Trammell-Hunter. They fought together on Kennesaw Mountain, here in Marietta.

William R. Fouts was another CSA soldier. I have no information about him.

Chester Arthur Ray is my 1st cousin, twice removed.

Emeles Ray is the same relation as Chester Arthur Ray.

I am sure there are more relatives buried here, and I probably missed over them or couldn’t read their markers.

The highest point of Fouts’ Cemetery has a cross and a small building. The cross is studded with light bulbs. The cemetery is high on a hill or small mountain – you can tell that looking at the first photo that it is pretty high up. It must be a sight, late at night.


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Some fast thoughts---

    I believe that cemetery is the one near the golf course? Yes? Is that correct? If it is the one I think it is, I used to pass there every dreary day from 1999 to 2001 when I worked at Job Corps.

    There are a million Rays on my Pop's side that came from the Alabama area (with a banjo on their knee).

    GGG Granddaddy Hipster was confined at Camp Chase from 1864 to late 1865. He wouldn't sign the parole. They booted him out. He was among the last to go home.

    See you.

  2. Steve,
    It is close to Macon Count Airport. It is so close I wondered if the Airport at one time was Ray or Fout's land.
    There may be a golf course nearby, I didn't notice it. It is near the Iolta and Burningtown communities.
    I know a road that turns off in the woods nearby is named "Whiskey Still Road" ... true!
    One of the Rays or Fouts that was at Camp Chase kept a journal and I think it was published and is/was sell at the Macon County Historical Society on Main the Main street on the hill in Franklin.
    If your Ray relatives came from Western North Carolina with a fiddle on his armpit you could have bragging rights on being blood kin to Zell Miller's wife... and everybody would love to claim to be related to Zell Miller (look at me closely, I am rolling my eyes).


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