
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On The Road Again

(Imagine Willie Nelson singing the above).

I am back on track - as far as exercise goes.

Monday I walked 3 miles; Tuesday 2.5 miles and ran 1.4 miles (estimated), and this morning I walked 3 miles again and ran 1.5 miles. I plan to slowly increase my running and walk with what is left over. In other words, I will first walk about a mile, then run my preplanned time, then walk home.

Until this week I haven’t ran since April the 24th. That was mostly due to the stress test findings and the nurse recommended that I not do any serious exercise until after the catherization and they find the problem. Then, after that I was on a roll of not doing exercise and it is hard to start the inertial first step. But, after you get over that it is smooth sailing, so to speak.

By the way, a doctor told Anna my heart performed its own bypass because of my continuation of strenuous exercising.

I don’t have to worry about competing with a runner from Kenya for the world’s fastest running pace or anything – if that comes up I will gladly forfeit. While running yesterday a long legged kid walking casually to his summer school morning class passed me on the side walk. He looked like he was casually strolling.

That reminded me when I used to run with our dog Brandy somebody made the comment I appeared to be giving it all running while running and the dog looked like she was casually walking. She probably could have even squatted and pee and it wouldn’t make a difference.

And this morning a young skinny legged girl shot around me as a wild rabbit would do. She was out of sight before I could even find a rock to throw at her.

Speaking of the turtles’ pace, also this morning I was running I ran a block into a new subdivision with big McMansions. On the side of the street near the curb was a good size turtle, probably as big as a volley ball if you squished the air out of it, lying there with its shell cracked and it was of course dead. He was ran over while trying to cross the street.

He didn’t go to civilization, civilization came to him.


  1. I know what you mean about inertia. I had a sinus infection for the past two or so weeks, and thus was not exercising at all. Now that it is going away, it is hard to make myself work out. The only thing I have going for me is that I am away and thus walking everywhere to sightsee!

  2. Suzanne,
    Walking to sight see I always thought was good exercise.
    I have been reading your posts. I think you and Hubby are having a fine time.

  3. I was reading your posting at work while standing up. I got so tired from your exercising I had to sit down.

  4. Pappy,
    Well, I almost had to crawl when I was remembering it.

  5. " heart performed its own bypass because of my continuation of strenuous exercising."

    Yippee! That will never happen here.

  6. Judy,
    It is a rare thing but it happens. It could happen there.
    The same thing happened with my first cousin.

  7. I'm with y'all on the inertia bit. It took my friend threatenin' to bust my knee-caps to get me running with her, THEN she up and moved to another state within a few weeks after I started.

    It's only since last Sunday that I've finally started gettin' myself slowly into the habit again.

    Still holdin' my breath 'bout how well I keep it up ..

    And this morning a young skinny legged girl shot around me as a wild rabbit would do. She was out of sight before I could even find a rock to throw at her.

    Dude! You crack me up so much sometimes. Often cuz I still don't expect it from ya.


  8. Michael,
    Well, if I wrote what you expected - then you would know what I am about to say... so, no need reading what you already know.
    It is like when the TV reporter interviews somebody and the interviewee keeps saying "you know" - well, if we knew, why are we asking you?
    I rode my bike 10 miles this morning, which took one hour and 14 minutes.


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